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Disclaimer-This story idea or characters does not belong to me the story idea belongs to NXSE on and the characters belong to KISHIMOTO the owner of Naruto.

Konohagakure no sato

Konoha Ninja Academy

Iruka smiled as everyone settled down and gazed over all of them as he saw that this was the day they were going to show him they were ready to wear the leaf headbands. He then saw in the corner of the class and felt guilty as he saw Naruto there with a determined look on his face. He was ashamed at how he had treated the boy in the earlier days of the Academy and had all but ignored him but then saw that he wasn't the Kyuubi but he was just a victim child who was lonely and didn't have anyone to help him out. He always saw how he was alone practicing till late in the Academy fields even after everyone had gone off to home and had confronted him on why he was out so late. He had answered he didn't have anyone waiting for him at home and needed to practice to pass since he wasn't really that good and was saddened by his answer and asked that if he needed help but he politely refused saying he didn't want to keep him out too late. Iruka had told him to come to him if he had any problems and he had come to him a couple of times regarding the Kawarimi Jutsu and he had helped him out by giving him and teaching him the leaf balancing exercise to develop his chakra control for it and was proud that he had mastered it after a year of struggles.

He saw that he was really great at academics and that some teachers were sabotaging his results and then started grading him personally and his detailed answers sometimes surprised even him and his mind in battle strategies that he put in his answers was second only to Shikamaru he mused and that was saying something since he had the strongest mind even amongst the Nara's. He had helped him with his Academy taijutsu style a bit but saw that his body wasn't really suited to him and told him he would have to get a new style from his Jounin-sensei since the Academy didn't allow him to show any favouritism. He had told him not to worry about it and he was confused by his answer but didn't pry too much into it giving him his space. He had treated him to some Ichiraku's a couple of times and the two had bonded a little after that. Iruka saw him as a little brother and was proud of him that he got this far without anyone's help.

Naruto was sitting in his seat as Iruka started handing out the papers to everyone and Naruto breezed past them and handed the papers over to him after finishing the test as he called out everyone to the fields for the weapons accuracy tests. Everyone headed outside as Mizuki-sensei started handing out the weapons kit to everyone and Naruto frowned at the condition of his weapons. They were all blunt and worn out from use and were in no condition to be used. He asked Mizuki-sensei and Iruka-sensei if he could use his own but Mizuki told him everyone had use those weapons kit as was written in the regulations of the test and he nodded and got in line and everyone started going through the weapons accuracy tests.

Kiba went first and got 9 kunais and 10 shurikens and gave a smug look at Satsuki who didn't even spare him a glance and he went back a bit annoyed as his fan girls cheered him on. Satsuki went next and got all 10 kunai and 10 shurikens perfectly as her fanboys cheered and he smiled at her success. Everyone went Through their turns getting in between 5-8 shurikens and kunais and finally Naruto's turn came. He stood there and threw all of them at once as all of them struck dead centre but a few of them bounced off the target due to being too blunt even with force with which he threw them at. Mizuki smirked and recorded his score of 5 shurikens and 6 kunais as he barely passed the mark of the test and walked back.

"Ha look at that dead last don't even know how to aim now do you why do you even bother just give it up and quit being a ninja. Your failures might even rub off on Satsuki-chan." Said Kiba smugly as everyone laughed and Sakura and Ino even added their own comments to it. He just looked down as tears came to his eyes but he held them back. Satsuki though frowned at his result, she knew he never missed and his aim was almost as immaculate or even better than Itachi's was, he himself had praised him. She couldn't believe he would miss so many targets at once. She heard everyone's comments and scowled at seeing his eyes watering and that he was holding back his tears and hiding them as he was looking down and she walked up to him.

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