Cg Fukuzawa/Little Dazai

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Requested by: Dancehalls

Dazai had just gotten back from a mission which he had accidently gotten hurt on. Normally when one of the agency members got injured, they would go to Yosano so that she could heal them, but because of Dazai's ability, she was unable to do so, and since Dazai already had bandages in the place he was injured, there was nothing to be done.

Fukuzawa, though, noticed that there was something off about Dazai and since Fukuzawa did look after many of the agency members that regressed when they were little, he could tell that Dazai was regressing. "Dazai, come to my office please." Fukuzawa called. Dazai got up, making his way to Fukuzawa's office and ignoring all the questioning glances that his colleagues shot his way.

"You needed me?" Dazai asked as he entered Fukuzawa's office, closing the door behind him, trying not to slip up on his words. "Yes, Dazai, please don't be alarmed when I say this, but I know that you are on the verge of regressing." Fukuzawa told him. Dazai stiffened up, looking nervously at Fukuzawa. "Its okay. I'm fine with it if you need to regress. I have lots of experience with looking after regressors." Fukuzawa assured.

"Really?" Dazai asked, already feeling littler. "Yes." Fukuzawa answered. "Um... so, can I be small right now?" Dazai asked. "Of course." Fukuzawa replied. "I don't have any of my little things here..." Dazai trailed off. "Its okay, I have stuff that has never been used that you can have from here." Fukuzawa reassured Dazai. "Can I have a sippy cup?" Dazai questioned.

"Sure." Fukuzawa said, going over to Dazai and ruffling Dazai's hair. "And what do you want in the sippy cup?" Fukuzawa asked. "Milk, pease." Dazai replied, now fully regressed. Fukuzawa nodded and went over to a cupboard. Opening it up, Fukuzawa reached inside and took out a pastel blue sippy cup. "Is this alright?" He showed Dazai. "Mhm!" Dazai replied, nodding his head enthusiastically.

"Okay, let's go." Fukuzawa said, taking Dazai's hand and leading him him to the kitchen to get him some milk. They took a pathway from Fukuzawa's office that no one had access to except for Fukuzawa himself. They took the passage because Fukuzawa knew that Dazai did not want any of the other agency members to know that he was an age regressor.

Once they got to the kitchen, Fukuzawa rinsed out the sippy cup just to make sure it was clean before he put the milk in. He dried the sippy cup then filled it with milk. "Do you just want milk, or do you want something with the milk?" Fukuzawa questioned. "Can I has choccy milk?" Dazai asked. Fukuzawa nodded, moving over to another cupboard and opening it.

Inside were lots of different flavourings. Getting out the chocolate flavouring, he added it into the milk, and securing the lid on the sippy cup, he shook it, mixing the flavouring into the milk. "Warm or cold?" He asked. "Cold." Dazai said. Fukuzawa handed the sippy cup to Dazai with a nod. "Tank chu." Dazai thanked and began drinking. "You're welcome. Thanks for using your manners." Fukuzawa praised, ruffling Dazai's hair. Dazai hummed happily.

Fukuzawa lead Dazai back to his office where Dazai went over to the couch. Having finished the contents of the sippy cup, Dazai was beginning to become sleepy, so he lay on the couch and drifted off to sleep.

Fukuzawa draped a blanket over Dazai before going over to his desk, finishing up the paper work that he needed to do whilst he kept an eye on Dazai, making sure he was alright.

Hi all, just wondering, would anyone be interested if I wrote a chapter with Cg Fukuzawa and Littles Dazai, Ranpo and Yosano? And does anyone have an idea for the plot?

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