Cg Dazai/Little Akutagawa

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Requested by: why-amihere-plz

Akutagawa had been on a mission with Dazai when he regressed, and so, when the mission had been completed, mostly done by Dazai, Dazai took Akutagawa home with him so he could look after Akutagawa whilst he was regressed.

When they got back to Dazai's place, Dazai carried Akutagawa to his room, changing Akutagawa into a onesie and handing him a stuffie that Dazai had kept just in case Akutagawa regressed whilst with him. Akutagawa took the stuffie, placing one of its ears in his mouth. "No, Aku, don't do that." Dazai chided, easing it out of Akutagawa's mouth, replacing it with a pacifier instead.

Dazai placed a kiss on top of Akutagawa's head, and Akutagawa shyly smiled at him in response. "Do you want anything else?" Dazai asked. Akutagawa took the pacifier out to respond. "Mac n Cheese, please?" He asked, putting the pacifier back in. "Of course." Dazai replied. Dazai took his hand, leading Akutagawa to the kitchen.

When they got there, Dazai helped Akutagawa up onto the counter. "You can sit up there if you promise not to move too much." Dazai told him, Akutagawa nodded, swinging his legs slightly. Dazai went towards the fridge and got the macaroni and cheese out of it. He removed it from the packaging and placed it in the oven, setting a timer so that he would know when it was ready.

Akutagawa watched him do all this quietly, but just as Dazai set the timer, Akutagawa accidentally dropped his stuffie. He started to tear up, but decided that he could get the stuffie back himself, so he tried to lean down to grab the stuffie off the floor without getting off the counter which resulted in him letting out a startled squeak as he tumbled off the counter.

He sqeezed his eyes shut as he prepared himself to hit the ground, but when he didn't, he slowly opened his eyes to find that Dazai had caught him. As all that just happened caught up to Akutagawa, he started wailing. Dazai attempted to console him. "Shh, shh, that must have been scary, huh?" He asked. Akutagawa nodded as tears continued to roll down his cheeks.

"I didn't want anything like that to happen, that's why I asked you not to move too much." Dazai told him. "Sowwy." Akutagawa apologized, now calm save for the few tears that still ran down his face. "No, no, it's also my fault for allowing you to sit up there in the first place." Dazai said.

Just then, the stuffie on the floor caught his eye. "Here, this is what you were trying to get, right?" Dazai asked, handing it over to Akutagawa. "Mhm. Tank oo." Akutagawa said as he took it from Dazai, burying his face in it to hide the last remaining tears. Dazai noted that Akutagawa had also lost his paci, but they could find that latter.

The timer beeped suddenly, and Dazai hurried off, putting some oven gloves on and taking the Mac n Cheese out of the oven. He served the Mac n Cheese onto two plates, one for himself and one for Akutagawa. "Let's go to the dining room." Dazai said, carrying the two plates and leading Akutagawa to the dining room.

They each took a seat, Dazai eating his own food whilst helping Akutagawa eat to make sure that Akutagawa did not mess the food everywhere. Whilst eating, they talked, but it was more Akutagawa babbling in between mouthfuls and Dazai saying something when there was a pause than an actual conversation.

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