Fragile 🥀

953 11 81

(Angst >w<)

(Couldnt think any better title than this.. 💀)

(rEQUesT BY : none)

(Ready to cry [or not])

(Top : Jake | Bottom : Drew)

(Drew angst <3 I love Drew's angst so much :3)

<3rd Person POV>

Drew, a 17-year-old boy, had always been possessive of his favorite person, Jake Sterling. Drew's parents, being wealthy and occupied with their own lives, never gave him the attention and love he craved. Perhaps this was why Drew became so possessive of Jake; he filled the void that his parents left behind. They were inseparable, until one day, a fight erupted between them that was powerful enough to sever their once unbreakable bond.

It all started when Jake joined the music club and grew close to Hailey, the club's president. At first, Drew was understanding and supportive, but as time passed, he witnessed Jake spending less and less time with him. Jealousy consumed Drew as he watched his favorite person form a deeper connection with Hailey. The pain was unbearable, seeing Jake happier with someone else.

Unable to contain his bottled-up emotions any longer, Drew's feelings began to seep through the cracks. Fearful that his friendship with Jake was slipping away, he became even more possessive and clingy, desperately craving attention. Drew voiced his complaints about Jake spending more time with Hailey, but instead of understanding, Jake grew annoyed and lashed out at him.

 The fight spiraled out of control, ultimately leading to the end of their friendship.
Drew felt a deep sense of emptiness after the fight. His friends, Liam and Henry, tried to cheer him up, but their efforts fell short. Despite the dissolution of their friendship, Drew couldn't help but follow Jake wherever he went, becoming even more clingy. Though Jake found it slightly annoying, a part of him found Drew's desperation endearing.

Drew would trail behind Jake, taking a seat next to him and occasionally touching him in the hopes of getting his attention and initiating a conversation. Whenever Jake ignored him, Drew would whimper quietly, a sound that Jake couldn't help but hear. To make matters worse, small cuts began to appear on Drew's wrist, a physical manifestation of the pain he felt inside.

One day, as Jake was rummaging through his locker, Drew stood a few inches away, gently tugging on his jacket, hoping to finally get his attention and ensure that Jake wouldn't ignore him this time. 

"What do you want now?!" Jake snapped, finally closing his locker. 

Drew stuttered, tears welling up in his eyes, "I-I just... I just want to talk to you..." He released his grip on Jake's jacket. 

Sighing, Jake responded with irritation, "Well, I don't. So stop bothering me. We're not friends anymore." As Jake began to walk away, Drew grabbed his wrist in desperation. 

"Wait! Please... Please listen to me!" Drew pleaded, his eyes filled with desperation.

Jake sighed once more, pulling his wrist free from Drew's grasp. "So, what do you want?" he grumbled. 

Drew's voice quivered as he asked, "Do you hate me?" 

Jake responded coldly, "Yes, I hate you. Is that all?" 

This answer caused Drew to whimper, his body shaking violently as he broke into sobs. Tears streamed down his face as he clung to Jake, desperate to hold onto what was slipping away. 

"W-why? Is it because I'm so... possessive towards you?" Drew cried, his grip on Jake growing tighter.

As Drew cried in the hallway, the other students stared, creating an uncomfortable scene. Sensing the need for privacy, Jake hastily pulled Drew into an empty classroom, his annoyance mixed with a tinge of guilt. Drew begged for forgiveness, promising that he would no longer be clingy or possessive. However, Jake remained unmoved, unwilling to grant Drew his forgiveness. As Jake opened the door to leave, Drew hugged him from behind, begging for a second chance.
Jake, torn between guilt and frustration, firmly pushed Drew away, causing him to gasp as he fell to the floor. 

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