The Corvid Queen

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1st Person POV

A whine comes from my throat, before my eyes force themselves open. Arguing reaches my ears.

"-already told him."

The squawk of a crow before it is shushed softly. "You know he-" the words suddenly cut off, before a hand touches my cheek softly. "The girl is awake."

Steps sound on the floor before a hand is brushing back my hair. A golden gaze stares back at me. "How do you feel?"

I grit my teeth against the waves of pain that seem to be concentrated on my arms. "Did I fall from Mount Pelion into the Aegean Sea?" Mouth and throat dry, it takes effort to even speak.

A laugh breaks free from the other person in the chamber, as Lord Apollo looks at me with wide eyes. "I will leave you be, My Lord. Find me later so we may continue speaking about our son."

The door to the chamber closes with an indignant croon from a crow. The god sighs, before running a tanned hand through golden locks. "It feels like that, does it not?" I manage to nod slightly, wincing at the pain in my neck at the motion, as Lord Apollo chuckles slightly before sitting next to my legs. "You nearly died, little one."

I feel the blood rushing from my face as I struggle to rise, before the god gently pushes me back down. The movement causes the pain in my arms to flare, and I whimper. "What happened?" I ask the question as I realize that I can barely move my arms. "Why-?"

"Calm yourself." A cup is pressed to my lips, and I recoil at the smell. "Drink. It will help with the fever and the pain, and keep away infection."

A hand pressed to the back of my neck has me rising a few inches, drinking the mixture while recoiling heavily at the taste.  I cough, turning my head away quickly as bile starts creeping up my throat. "What happened?" I ask again, swallowing with difficulty.

The god sighs, placing the cup to the side. "What is it you remember?" I blanch, causing him to amend the question. "What is the last thing you know?"

I flinch, my breathing quickening. "Lady Artemis-" I start.

"Of course," the god mutters, eyes flaring.

"-did she really attack Lady Aphrodite?" The look of surprise is quickly replaced by something akin to sorrow, and the god sends a scathing glare at me. "Forgive me," I mutter hastily, shrinking back.

Lord Apollo shakes his head. "Yes, Artemis did attack her. As was she in the right; Aphrodite took you directly from the camp. The laws written are clear: no god or goddess is to trespass on another's sacred temples or space without invitation. Especially when meaning direct harm to those sheltered there. As my twin has no sacred temples she considers safe for her Hunters, barring the one on Delphi, she designated the Hunt as one."

"But-" Lord Apollo tilts his head as I hesitate, motioning me to continue. "The tales and stories of Lady Artemis exiling hunters due to them getting pregnant or in love," I venture slowly, and Lord Apollo frowns. "Are those all lies as well?"

"No." The god snaps, golden eyes flaring. "That is the cause for the law. After Taygete, Artemis threatened Zeus with leveling Olympia and the surrounding forest if he did not forbid gods from entering another's sacred space without invitation. With the exception of Hermes and Iris, it applies to us all." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Enough questions, I will leave you to rest. You need your strength for what is to come."

"Apollon," the voice comes from the chamber doors, and the god turns towards them while waving a hand. Lady Artemis enters, gaze uneasily flickering towards me. "Asclepius told me. Is he really that close?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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