The devotion of a son

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Content warning: Surgical procedures starting three paragraphs in and continuing for a large part of the chapter with little break in between. Skip to end of chapter for an A/N TLDR if squeamish.

3rd Person POV - Apollo

He knocked her out.

As soon as Aphrodite had dropped the girl, he had let loose an arrow with a blunt tip. The cougar dropped like a stone, snarling weakly before losing consciousness. Sending the sliver of Epikourios to tend to the bleeding girl, Agraeus snarled as he lunged towards the cackling daemonia.

Tossing her out of the window as if she were a sack of wildflowers, the Hunter turned his attention to his unconscious twin.

A quick check has him frowning. Merging his forms, Apollo flashes the three of them to his palace on Delos.

Aurai immediately appear, taking Potnia to her quarters while he rushes to the infirmary with the girl.

Placing her on a cot, Apollo rushes throughout the infirmary, gathering the needed supplies before setting everything down next to the occupied cot.

Taking away the bandages wrapped around the wound, he forces a mixture of crushed poppy and sage down her throat. Placing his hand over the gash, he slows the bleeding enough to see exactly how deep the knife managed to slice.

He pales.

It was only by the grace of Tyche that the knife had managed to slice through the carotid at an angle, dragging a piece of muscle with it to cover the cut. If not, she would have bled out instantly.

As it was, she still could.

Shaking hands glow with heat as he presses burning fingers to the tear in order to burn the edges.

Satisfied that she was no longer critical, Apollo lets his power wander until he reached that of his twin. Pursing his lips, he shakes his head, suspicions confirmed. Reaching for a bone needle and horse hair, he threads the needle before tilting his head. A frown marred the features of the god as he listened.


His eyes widened before his gaze snapped to the chamber doors.

Somebody was in his private chambers.

It could not have been Artemis, as she was still unconscious in her own chambers.

Only one other besides his mother and sister could come to Delos uninvited.

However... The question was why?

Deciding to leave it until later, the god turns back to his patient.

Sprinkling powdered yarrow into the wound along with thyme, he places a lavender and honey poultice to the side. Cleaning the excess blood with a damp cloth, the god gently sutures the artery closed above the cauterized parts, before snipping the burned off parts. Focusing with a glowing hand over the artery, he is relieved to find the blood flowing normally.

Letting out a shaky breath of relief, Apollo sags back against the wall next to the cot. Tying off another horsehair needle, he proceeds to suture the muscle closed over the artery, much slower this time.

Glancing up at the girl's face reveals what he had initially tried to avoid.

Pressing a soaked cloth to her forehead, he mixes up a feverfew, bay leaf, mastic, and sage drought before placing it aside.

Eyeing the open wound, Apollo frowns lightly before hovering glowing fingers over it.

Deciding that it would be best for all involved, he rises and makes his way to a chest on the other side of the chamber.

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