The Daemonia of the waters

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I wake slowly, pain radiating from my entire body as if I had been thrown into the Aegean Sea from Mount Pelion.

Straining to hear, I stifle a gasp when all I hear is the crashing of waves.


Light from the hall leading to the chamber suddenly blinds me as the chamber door is opened.


The word makes me flinch as Lady Aphrodite walks in, veiled. "Why?" The word comes out hoarse, and I cough.

The goddess crosses the chamber to kneel in front of me. Sharp nails cut through my bonds before my arm is wrenched forward so quickly I feel it strain to break.

I whimper as the nails dig into my skin, drawing blood. "Theron." She hisses the word as if it is poison. "Mortals do not catch her attention as easily as they once did. You are an enigma, Acriseas." Her smile is bloodthirsty, needle-like teeth sharpened to a point. "I am curious to know. What is so special about you that she let you live?" Running her tongue across her lips, she tilts her head. Nostrils flaring, she leans closer to me, tightening her grip so she scrapes bone. "You smell of her. And that bastard king."

I bite back a scream as she drags her hands down before letting me go, glancing down at her blood-covered nails. I do end up screaming as she brings her hands up to her mouth and licks my blood and the bits of muscle that had stuck as if she had been enjoying a cup of wine.

"Please," I whimper, "I know not what you speak of."

The laugh Lady Aphrodite gives is deranged as she stands and walks the length of the chamber. Feeling faint, I risk a glance towards my arms, paling and swallowing with difficulty as I see the muscle is shredded and multiple tendons are missing.

"You were never told, because Acrisus could not bear to look at you from the moment you appeared in his chambers." A sound deep within the hall captures my attention, but it seemingly goes unheard by the goddess in front of me. "I wonder…" She hesitates, tilting her head to the side to eye the doors before she ultimately dismisses the sounds coming closer. "What dear Zeus would do if he found that his favored children have been keeping a secret for so long."

I am about to ask what she means when the torches around the chamber flicker slightly, and a cold nose suddenly presses itself against my bare leg with a quiet whine.

I have barely enough time to give the pup a slight nod before she is snatched up, yelping as the nails dig through her fur. "It seems our time is up." The goddess of love seems almost saddened at the thought, before she snarls and throws Raven at the same exact time the chamber doors erupt into splintered wood.

"Let the girl go, Ourania." The words are hissed in a tone that makes me whimper in relief as a golden arrow sinks into the wood next to me with a resounding THWACK!

Lady Aphrodite lets out a shriek of rage. "How did you get in? No immortal should be able to get in without invitation!"

I am able to glimpse Lady Artemis and Lord Apollo before I am suddenly yanked up like a rag doll, a knife pressed to my neck.

Lady Artemis' face is flushed with rage as she snarls, teeth sharpening to points. "I need no reason to storm your Palace, Antheia, when you take one of my Hunters. Release the girl, or I will tear you apart limb from limb and feed you to your own swans."

I wince as the knife is pressed deeper, stilling as I realize it is pressed against my lifeblood. "You overstepped your bounds when you took the girl, Aphrodite." Lord Apollo steps closer, eyes miniature suns as he speaks no louder than a rage-filled whisper. "What have you told her?"

The goddess smiles, showing off her blood-covered teeth. "I simply told her that her entire life has been a lie. What, did you really believe I would not find out, Apollon? I am surprised Hera has not noticed, the stench is nearly overpowering." Her hand comes up to trace a path down my cheek. "Or, perhaps, she has taken notice and chooses to look the other way. After all, she is fond of both of you despite not being hers, is she not?"

I flinch as her nails dig into my cheek, causing the knife to slip a little. "Artemis…" The god trails off as his twin growls before snapping. "NO!"

The last word I hear is a shout as a rabid blob of snarling, black, fur lunges towards the goddess holding me.

The last word I hear is a shout as a rabid blob of snarling, black, fur lunges towards the goddess holding me.

A shrill laugh sounds and words are muffled before all I feel is pain as the knife is dragged across my throat. "-need to learn control, Potnia."

I hear a muffled yelp before a crash sounds. Breathing is difficult as I cough, a wet feeling spreading down my throat from my spot on the ground.

When did I fall?

Golden eyes fill my rapidly fading vision as words are spoken but unheard. A flash of heat along my arms makes a gargled scream force its way out of my torn throat.

Hands lift me up gently after pressing a wad of bandages against my throat. The ringing of my ears clears up enough to hear two words. "-hold on."

A scream is torn from my throat as my arms are jostled, before everything goes black.

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