I get kidnapped by ...

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I wake with a hand stroking my hair, murmured words going unheard as my hearing struggles to unstick itself from the bottom of a lake.

"-will." A Hunter.

"-it." Unknown.

"-up." Lady Artemis.

A shuddering gasp escapes me, and I struggle to rise even as hands push me down. "Easy, child. Stay for now." Shivering against a draft of cool wind, I flinch against the rumble of thunder as my hearing sharpens to hear the soft pattering of rain against the tent ceiling.

Bile creeps up my throat, and I twist in the hold of the person next to me. Hands help me onto my side, holding me steady as I retch into a chamber pot below.

A gentle touch as I am eased onto my back again quells any further nausea, and allows warmth to seep into my shivering form.

"I would advise you to seek another's council, Artemis. Going against a Primordial to such lengths is unheard of." The voice is soothing, and I find myself seeking out the warmth of the hand against my sweaty cheek. "I will ask, but unless he sees her for himself, he will most likely not be willing to say."

Lady Artemis sighs, and I feel her hands adjusting the furs over my body. "I realize. However, given the involvement of my twin, he may refuse as soon as he hears word. If he has not already felt it. Such transformations of the body do not escape the attention of my nephew."

A low hum sounds before the hand retreats, to my displeasure, only to settle against my forehead. "This is the first one you have left largely unchanged. If he was concerned with how many of your own animals were being created each time, this would have undoubtedly caught his interest immediately." A cup is placed against my lips as I am raised up slowly. "Drink, little one. It will help you settle."

I do as told, sputtering a bit at the tangy taste of feverfew and lavender. The taste of peppermint is few, but it serves to both calm my protesting stomach and allow my senses to clear entirely. The cup is taken away, and I am helped to a sitting position. "Thank you, My Lady."

The smiling visage of the goddess gives way to the tent as she steps back. "You have my thanks, Aegle. Please, do what you can to convince him." Lady Artemis steps forward, regarding my form with little interest before she turns towards the goddess who inclines her head in recognition. "His grudge against Apollo is the worst one I have seen in centuries."

"Of course, Lady Artemis. Please, do not hesitate to send for me should anything else arise." With a last bow, the goddess of good health vanishes with the smell of sandalwood mixed with myrrh.

A sneeze comes unbidden, causing me to shut my eyes at the pain as the huntress chuckles softly. "Be thankful it was only slight. Should you have been in any Asclepion, you would not be able to stop sneezing." A cool hand is rested against my cheek. "Rest for now, child. Both your body and spirit have been through enough these past few sunrises." Lady Artemis turns to leave, before pausing and turning back to me.

Her gaze is saddened as she looks upon me and I tilt my head. "Milady?" The word comes out as a whisper as Raven clambers over me, settling into a ball on my chest with a small growl. "Is something wrong?"

The huntress steps towards me, silent as a shadow, eyes clouded over with tears. "I am sorry for not coming across you sooner, my dear one."

With those confusing words, she turns on her heel and walks out of the tent.

I sigh, my breathing hitching as I try to move onto my side, feeling the aftereffects of having fainted multiple times in one day. The wolf pup whines, unfurling with a yawn and clambering up to the crook of my chin. Her golden eyes stare at me before she bunts her head against my chin, whining again before licking my nose.

The One Who Was Forgotten - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now