Chapter 7

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(Alpha POV) (oooh, lookie here, a new POV)

I'm worried about Aischune, he does not look happy to be here, I was shook out of my thoughts as I heard Aischune walk away, blending into his shadows until he turned into an invisible phantom, I looked at where he was sadly, he was so happy and cheerful when I first met him, always joking and laughing, now?

He barely spoke unless he sang or was addressing people, I looked away and started walking, my head looking at the sky, clouds littered it, casting the perfect shade, they were so fluffy I could "OW!" I walked into someone, us screaming at the same time, it was her, I looked at her and she looked at me, we had a stare down, she knew my eyes for years, now they were unreadable, I wanted to hug her and strangle at the same time, how I would do that, I had no clue, but I just walked off, my feet taking me to the Hermes cabin.

I took a deep breath and walked in, checking the time on the installed clock, Earth hadn't really changed since I died, it was what? 2678? It was still almost the same, I grabbed a random phone and tried to figure out why, turns out they had had a civil war a long time ago and were still struggling to recover, I internally cursed, stupid ADHD, I looked at the clock, 11:56, I smirked and quickly kept my stuff, rushing to the arena, people were already gathered, I looked at Aischune, he had his usual assassin attire on and held his sword in his hand, ready to attack, Alex was on the other side, zweihander in hand (lol), I looked at Aischune, he had finally got into stance, Alex was holding his sword out in a sloppy stance, I rolled my eyes and focused on Aischune.

(Aischune POV)

I stood ready in stance, I waited for Chiron to announce the rules "Alright demigods, you know the rules, powers and magic items are allowed, no killing, only maiming." I looked at Alex, he smirked and pulled out a CB trident with glowing blue tips, I rolled my eyes, two could play at that game, I clenched my sword, giving it a reddish glow illuminating the room, I lunged as Chiron yelled "GO!" I sung my sword at him which he parried with much difficulty, "Really? That was less than a fraction of my full speed."

His eyes widened and narrowed in determination, I heaved a breath, readying myself, I stood glaring at him as he rushed at me, zig zagging, he jumped up and tried to land a hit, I rolled out of the way, kicking him down, I put my foot on his back, Chiron announced "The winner is AISCHUNE!"

I got my foot off and started walking away, just as he pulled me down and quickly got up and saying arrogantly "No, I win." I growled. Twisting his leg so he would fall, as he fell, I quickly got up and kicked his body across the room, I grabbed him by the throat, my rage opening a hole to the molten core of the Earth.

I held him over and let go of my grip as he begged to be let down, as he fell, I felt no remorse, immediately after, Alpha berated me "YOU IDIOT, SAVE HIM!"

I huffed and snapped my fingers, immediately, he was teleported back to the arena, I looked at the time, I turned around and walked away, catching the dagger Alex had thrown at me, I threw it back, just a millimeter away from his foot. I turned back "Oh, never mind, it's training time." I smirked evilly and walked away to the field as the campers groaned. I stood at the ready, waiting for the campers to show up, just as I thought, they all appeared I looked to Alpha "Need to debrief Chaos. Train em."

I told before flashing to Chaos' throne room office area place, he yelped, jumping a foot into the air, I stood, unimpressed and sad, he noticed and asked "What? Debrief? And why are you sad?" realizing I was showing emotion, I steeled myself and plastered a poker expression on my face, with a bow, I started "Alex tried to fight me, destroyed a group of bandits and got Alpha to train the campers. I also need a favor, can I summon Merlin to add to my troops?" "Okay, okay, okay and okay." I bowed dramatically before heading back to camp half hell, I took a deep breath and continued to started to chant "Callem Merlinohere Inedim." I said under my breath, I preferred being mute so I just waved as he arrived, he raised a suspicious eyebrow "Who are you?" I smirked and took off my hood, *cue la gasp* "Percival you bastard! Leaving me hanging for 600 years!" I chuckled and said "Don't say my name and please pretend I'm mute." His eyes widened even more and his jaw touched Tartarus (figuratively), I smirked again and put on my hood before walking to the training room, it was 2 P.M. and I thought it was time for them to eat.

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