Chapter 3

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(Percy POV)

I woke up with a massive burning sensation across my right eye. My vision was hazy, so I tried to rub my eye to get rid of that feeling, but it only made it worse. I felt a scar where the sensation was. I got up from what appeared to be a bed, only to be met with a sword to my chest.

"William, get over here; the kid's awake," a gruff voice said. A kinder voice followed, "Jack, move the sword."

"NO. Or I'll stab you too." I smiled as the haziness cleared and I quietly reached for my scabbard. To my surprise, I felt cobwebs inside. I shook it off and grabbed it, kicking the man in the legs as he stumbled backward. I rushed at him, my sword drawn, charging right at his chest.

Someone held me back, and I heard them say, "That's enough, I think little Jacky has learned his lesson." I shrugged and looked at the person holding me back. He was wearing a uniform with a red cross on it. He had brown hair, hazel eyes, and a kind smile plastered on his face. I nodded to him as he asked, "What's your- oh, you're Percival."

I nodded and raised an eyebrow, as if to say, "How do you know?" He explained, "Oh, it's on your uniform." I looked down and saw my name embroidered in cursive. I was brought out of my thoughts when William said, "You know, you match all the descriptions of Percival, the defeater of the Saxons, friend of the Great Wizard Merlin, and King Arthur." I stiffened visibly, though it went unnoticed. Now I remembered; I was going to talk with Guinevere when she kissed someone else. Tears threatened to fall from my face as I stifled a sob. I took a deep breath and croaked out, "Where... am I?"

"Oh, you're with the crusaders," the kind man replied. Great, another timeline. I nodded and walked out, accompanied by William. He suggested, "You can enroll as one if you want, you know." I nodded and gave him a small thumbs up.

"Well, I guess I'll give you a brief introduction. The knight templars are the strongest, holding the rank just below nobles and royals. Then we have the knight hospitallers and finally the teutonic knights. There are more, but these are the main ones. I'm a knight of Saint Lazarus, meaning I'm amazing with a bow. With the skills you showed, I think you could become a templar, but for now, you have to start as a teutonic knight. I know it's a lot, but you'll get an in-depth explanation at orientation." I smiled and nodded while following him.

We entered a building, and William talked to another crusader. He nodded and produced a form from his pocket, then handed it to me. I held my hand out for something to write with, and he gave me a quill pen. I quickly filled it in, knowing how to use one as I was taught by Chiron.

ARGH, GET THEM OUT OF YOUR HEAD, THEY BETRAYED YOU! I internally calmed down and handed it back to William, who gave it to the crusader. He turned to me and said, "It appears you already have a uniform, so we just need to stitch a cross to it. We can go to Mr. Mervyn's shop! He is the best in our kingdom." I chuckled and followed him, feeling like a kid in a toy store. It was a bitter reminder of the life I could have had if it weren't for Alex. I took a deep breath; the atmosphere smelled of Merlin.

I smiled sadly at the thought of my old friend before looking closely at Mervyn. My eyes widened. "Merlin?" I croaked out. His eyes widened as he looked at me. "Percival! My good old friend? You bastard, dying on me like that. I told you I'd find you in every life!" I smirked before flipping him the bird. He smirked right back before turning to William and said, "This gets out to no one. Okay?" William nodded quickly as I gestured at my uniform. He nodded and came back with a uniform almost exactly like my knight one. I smiled and entered a changing room. After changing, I walked off to orientation, the only reason I knew where it was because there were gigantic signs pointing to the orientation.

I sighed as I entered the building. It appeared I was early, as no one else was there. I took a seat in the front row while waiting for others. After some time, the crowds entered, and the King walked in. It was time to learn.

Percy Jackson; Hero's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now