Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

(Percy POV)

Tears fell from my face as I stared at myself in the water. I wanted to scream, ask for forgiveness, but nothing would change the fact that I was cursed. I was mute. I sighed and stood up, wearing a simple gray tunic with long sleeves, brown pants, and normal boots. My figure had changed, with an extremely slim build and some muscles, making me faster than I once was. My hair was a bit messier, but thankfully, my eyes remained, a part of my heritage as Poseidon's former son.

I reached into my pocket, hoping to find the familiar weight of Riptide, but I felt nothing. Oh joy. I looked around and started walking in a random direction until I heard a rustle behind me. I quickly turned back to find a young boy about the age of 14 or so.

"Hello bloke! What's your name, and how come you're so far from a village or town?" He said with a heavy English accent, British. I shrugged and pointed at my throat, indicating that I couldn't speak.

"Oh, you're one of those mute ones! Can you help me guess your name? First letter?" he asked. I thought about how to relay my message and made a 'P' with my fingers. He nodded.

"Well, there's Perry, Peyton, Paul, Phillip, and Percival, ooh and maybe -." He would've continued, but I shut him up with a dry, raspy voice, unable to use Percy due to the curse. "Percival."

His eyes widened in surprise, and I shrugged yet again. I tried to speak a sentence, but I couldn't. I was limited to one word. I sighed and decided not to speak at all. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, as if to say, 'Where do I go?' He nodded and replied, "Follow me."

I nodded and started walking behind him. After about 10 minutes, I realized I didn't know who this kid was. "Wait," I said in the same raspy voice. He turned to look at me. "What's... your... name?" I managed to ask.

"Arthur, Arthur Pendragon."

My eyes widened as he continued walking. He was THE Arthur! I continued following him, wondering how I had been transported so far back into the past.

I stopped as I saw a small village, the place that would soon become a kingdom, a place that would soon become Camelot. I smiled as he handed me some coins. "These should be enough for at least 3 or 4 nights in the inn. I don't usually give money to strangers, but you seem nice enough. See you around, Percival!"

I smiled and walked to where I thought the inn was. I entered to be greeted with a comfortable warmth and a homey atmosphere. I sighed and went to the innkeeper, putting the coins on the table. He returned to me a gold coin and a few silver coins.

"Your room is at the end of the hall," he told me.

I nodded my head in appreciation and walked off to my room. As I opened the door, I was met by fairly spartan quarters, a desk, a bed, and a bathroom. As I sat on my bed, my tummy growled in protest, as if to say, "NO SLEEP, ONLY FOOD!" I chuckled at the thought and walked out of the inn, finding a store with barely any customers.

The lady at the store looked up at me lazily. "What do you want?" I pointed at the bread and water, and she smiled, saying, "2 silver, please!" I smiled back and handed her the coins, grabbing the bread and water. I immediately started eating my food, which was simple but tasty for someone who hadn't eaten in a long time.

I smiled as I walked back to the inn, then went to the innkeeper and put the coins on the table, receiving my pay for the day. After a week, life was simple, until payday. It was payday.

I got up with a groan, knowing it was payday. Realizing this, I jumped right out of bed, rushing downstairs to finish work. It was the breakfast rush, and I sighed and straightened my uniform before running around, taking orders from customers. Many gave me tips of ranging from 1 silver to 2 gold coins.

Percy Jackson; Hero's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now