Ch. 25: What A Finale

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My ears ring as the ground begins to shake with a mighty rumble.

"What's going on!?" Jacob yells, losing his footing.

"No idea!" I slowly make my way to the entrance of the tent.

In the distance a great plume of green fire erupts in the sky, cutting a dark silhouette of what looks like a giant brick chimney.

"What the heck?" I mutter to myself.

Marney and Jacob join me outside the shaking tent.

"Can anyone else," Marney sniffles, "feel that?"

"Yeah," I say.

My stomach is doing flips and my muscles have become restless.

"What is that!?" Jacob stares in horror at the great green fire illuminating the night sky.

"I don't know," I start pushing them back, "but it's coming this way! Get out of here! Get everyone out of here!"

The fire is getting bigger fast.

The ground stops shaking.

Now the rumble is gone I can hear the panicked screams echoing down the winding alleys.

There's a tinkling sound and the screaming stops.

I stand alone in the empty square staring at the blaze of green flying towards me.

The silence rings in my ears.

What is it?

Was Marney right?

Is it a volcano?

That's stupid, volcanoes aren't green.

They also don't fly at you.

I screw my eyes shut and shield them with my arm as the tent is bathed in a severe green light.

The heat washes over me.

I force one eye to squint open.

The green blaze crashes into the tent, setting it alight.

The cloth burns away, the stands that had held all the people in the country just minutes before crackle and pop.

An empty crater gapes at me from inside, a thin line of destruction trailing off behind it.

"AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" A scream of agony rends the air.

"Hello!?" I call dumbly into the flames.

"Where." A raspy voice answers, coming out deep and booming, "Are. The. VOOOOOOOIIIIIICESSSS!" The last word is screamed, I clamp my hands over my ears.


The second King said the firsts voice had gone quiet.

"The fourth," I breathe.

"ANSWER MEEEEEEEEEEE!" There's a bang followed by a fist surrounded by brilliant green flames flying my way.

I put my arms up in an X in front of my chest.

The fist slams into my forearms sending a shockwave that rattles my bones and reverberates through my body.

I grunt and slide back into the cobbled road, the stones shifting around my feet.

I glare through my crossed arms and freeze.

My own face stares back at me, my thick lips twisted in a snarl, my brow creased as my own dark brown eyes glare at me, my hair a plume of green flames, my cheeks cracking and bursting.

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