Ch. 19: Progress

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He really is blasting through them.

I might be able to get out of here early.

The constant breathing down my neck is less than pleasant.

He spent more time in this town, hopefully that won't affect anything.

At least this King is dead.

My wings beat at the air over a pile of crumbling buildings. A castle lies in ruins at the centre of a ring of toppled skyscrapers.

"How did you do this?" I mutter to myself.

This was a technical marvel.

A true fortress.

Nigh impenetrable.

And not only did he get on board, nearly taking on the King then and there, he destroyed it.

I know what we did to him.

It should not have let him do this.

Stay on task. You have your orders.

"Tell me how he did this."

Get moving.

We don't have time for this.

"I have a right to know."

Pain shoots through me like my whole body is on fire. I clutch at my head, a maelstrom of emotions coursing through me.

It ends.



I nod weakly, barely staying upright.

My body moves smoothly, gliding through the air.

I can't do that again.


I could not believe my eyes.

Everyone is back.

All their memories are gone.

But they're alive.

And here.

No one's here for me though.

I'd only been here a year when this all started 6 years ago. I just kind of became Mayor because I was the most impartial.


Now what?

I cannot shake this feeling.

This feeling of longing, to be out of here, to be helping in the fight, to be...


Ven, Jacob, and Marney are out there fighting, off to the next King.

I should be there with them.

"Good to see everyone back, eh?" Jack claps me on the back.

"Yes, it is." I say stiffly.

"You going to drop that guard of yours?" I can feel him side eyeing me.


"Why not?"

"Something Ven said. Several things he said, in fact."

"Oh yeah, and what were they?"

"The World Government is coming. And he had this idea." I had already started figuring it out in my head.

A whole town that can move.

"Haven't heard about the World Government in a long time," Jack scratches his chin. "Didn't they have all those stupid red shirts and jackets? And something about numbers?"

Ven: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now