Ch. 11: Tensions And Height

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We wind our way through the small town and find the Mayors house. We knock and a very strong and rehearsed voice beckons us in. We walk in and find the first room is an office of sorts, there is a simple wooden desk set up facing the door with a large stack of mismatched chairs against the wall. Sitting behind it is the striking figure of the Mayor, his broad shoulders straining the arms of his button up shirt.

"Hey, Mayor," I say, the emptiness radiating off him didn't bother me so much this time.

He turns and when his eyes fall on us his face breaks into a smile and a wave of warm energy flows from his core.

"Hello, my new friends!" He says brightly. "Your new clothes suit you."

Marney rolls her eyes and leans back against a wall.

"Thanks," I smile slightly, I like him like this.

"What brings you to my office so soon?" He motions for me to grab a chair. Jacob takes the same cue and we both sit across from him.

"Well, our ride is now firewood for the town, so we kind of need some new wheels," I explain. "Also if you could point us in the direction of somewhere to stay the night that'd be great."

"Well I can help you with one of those things now, the other will take some time." He snaps back into his rehearsed way of speaking. "There's a hotel of sorts in town. I can put a good word in for you and you can do work around the town to pay for it." He puts his fingertips together and places his elbows on the desk in front of him. "Getting you new transport is going to be a lot more difficult. We have a scouting party that goes out to look for supplies. They'll be back tomorrow. But when they go out again there's no telling how long it could be before they come back."

The collective mood of the room drops.

I don't want to be stuck here for very long.

I want to finish this and go home.

But if we don't get a new ride it'll take even longer.

"How long are they usually gone for?" I ask weakly, my mind reeling.

"Expeditions can take anywhere from 3 days to a month." He says confidently.

I lay my head on the desk in defeat.

"Oh," I say morosely. "Okay."

"I can get the process of building something new for you started now. As soon as what's missing is here it can be finished." He tries to reassure me.

"No, it's okay," I say quietly. "I don't want to put you out..."

I feel a warm hand rub my back.

"It must be hard finding anything out there," Jacob says to the Mayor.

"It certainly is, Mr Jacob." He replies. "Most of what comes back is salvaged from destroyed robots."

I shoot up straight and a scowl spreads across my face.

"Aren't they people?!" I can feel anger bubbling up in me.

"No, all of the people are kept locked away in the castle." He replies. "What we're up against were made by the king."

The flame of my anger goes out as suddenly as it had ignited, and I'm left feeling restless.

It would have been nice of him to lower his guard to tell me that.

"Would it speed up the process if I beat the King now?" I glare at him.

I tap my foot on the floor impatiently.

"Of course." He replies.

I stand up suddenly and my chair falls back.

"Then I'm going to do it." I storm out the house.

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