Ch. 21: And Connect

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"Ventasma," I hold out my hand to the old man. "But you can call me Ven."

"That's an interesting name," he takes my hand in his and shakes. "Where does it come from."

"It's from the old country," I hastily reply.

"Oh yeah, and where is the old country, son," his eyes appraise me harshly.

I freeze and stare at him.

"Uhhhh... I honestly didn't plan this far ahead."

"I know, and that's your problem. It's written all over you." He releases my hand.

This is not at all what I expected.

He has a shock of white hair atop his head, walks with a stoop, has a heavily lined face, yet his mind is sharp enough to cut diamond.

He's so cool.

"I..." I begin.

"Stop." He raises a hand and my mouth closes. "Think about what you want to say. I've made up my mind already. You need to show me I've made it properly."

He has?

Does that mean he's going to teach me?

Did I already screw it up?

What do I say?

This silence has gone on way too long.

Say something!

Tell him your plan.

"I'm going to join this circus and become stronger. Then I'll take down this King and then find the next King and take him down too." As the words come out of my mouth I realise he's right, I really should plan better.

"It's a start," he grumbles. "Take a seat, son." He motions to the floor as he sits heavily on his bed.

I sit down and look at up him.

"What is it you expect to learn from me?" His dark brown eyes pierce my own.

"Control," I reply in earnest. "I have a tendency to lose control. I try and make shapes or focus on doing something and it doesn't come out."

He sits back and narrows his eyes at me.

"You're mind and body aren't working together," he sighs. "Your mind wants one thing and your body is doing another."

"So how do I get them to work together?" I lean in.

"Do what you want." His eyes bore into me.

"I do what I want," I frown.

"No, you don't." He shoots at me. "Tell me what you think of me. Now!"

You're a crotchety old man.

But I like your style.

You hope he ends up in a nursing home where the orderlies steal from the residents, jerk.

That's too mean.

"You're a cool old man," I say.

"Lie." He says simply.

"It's not a total lie," I rebut.

"It may as well be. If you want to use your power how you want to, you need your mind and body to match up." He pokes me hard in the middle of my forehead. "Do what you want, son."

"Mr. Ro?" A young woman's voice trails in from the front flap of his tent.

"Come in, my dear," he calls to her. "You best be on your way now, son."

Ven: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now