Ch. 6: One Down

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"What gives you the right!"

"I asked you!"

"Stop copying me!"

I clench my teeth hard and launch myself forward to punch him in his dumb face.

The man in armour quickly moves in and grabs my fist.

He smiles maliciously as his hand clenches around my fist. Strong vibrations reverberate through my body and I fall to my knees.

My stomach turns, my head spins, and I throw up.

He stands over me and readies another punch. I kick off the ground backwards, shaking my head to try and come right.

Jacob is backing away from the King who raises a glowing fist and brings it down at him.

I move to intercept and am stopped by a hand on my chest.

More vibrations hit me making me stumble.

I hear a cry and see Jacob running, clutching a floppy arm to his chest.

The King moves after him and they're out of sight.

"Damnit!" I yell. I double over and dry heave.

"How do you like my power?" His evil smile doesn't leave his face.

"I don't have time for this!" I reel back and punch him in the stomach.

His whole body ripples.

He staggers back a step.

"Not going to work," he says, that stupid smile still on his face. He kicks me in the jaw and the vibrations hit me again.

I double over and dry heave, my stomach convulses painfully as it struggles to get something out.

My head is spinning, and my stomach is doing flips. He places his hand on my head. "I wonder where your brain will leak out of." His hand tightens.

I grit my teeth and unleash as strong a shock as I can.

He convulses and falls to the floor in a heap, the smell of burnt hair and ozone hangs in the air.

I try to stand and immediately fall to my hands and knees. A heavy clopping of hooves dimly penetrates my spinning head.

I look up to see Horse Friend barrelling down the street, the carriage swaying wildly behind him. As he passes the carriage breaks and falls before me as he charges on. Some plums roll to me. I shove them in my mouth and get up shakily.

There's a whinny, a crash, and a whimper.

I take off at a shaky run towards the sound and see Horse Friend reared up, a glowing fist aimed right at his soft underbelly.

I leap in front of Horse Friend, blocking the punch with my forearm.

The Kings hand crumples with a sickening sound as it makes contact.

He cries out in pain and holds his hand close to his chest. Steam billows out of his nose and mouth as his whole body begins to glow.

He blurs and a kick is swung at my head. I catch his leg and swing him into the ground.

He grunts in pain.

I stomp on his broken hand, his grunt rises to a scream.

I raise my foot and bring it down to rest on his neck.

I push down firmly.

He struggles to breathe.

I glare down at him.

Ven: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now