Chapter 4: Captivated By You

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Cyno ended up falling asleep awhile after looking at the photo he had in his hands. His thoughts disappeared without a trace as his mind was put at ease as he slept. Sleep felt like peace to him, he could put his guard down and finally take a rest.

This time however, images spiraled in his dreams, some were of the desert sands. Others were of people, people in a city in the sands smiling and selling goods. But the strangest of all were those of what seemed to be that same woman from his dream last night. Her light blonde hair Captivated his eyes, yet even so her face was still unrecognizable. Blurred and missing.


"Cyno!" A Voice called, slowly waking him from his slumber. "Cyno! C'mon wake up! The performance is going to start in an hour and a half!" The familiar voice called again.

Slowly Cyno opened his eyes to the bright room once again, to see the black and green haired fennec fox waking him up.

"What is it Tighnari..." his eyes were still a little closed from still being half asleep.

"You idiot! We're going to see Miss Nilou's performance as Collei suggested" Tighnari looked a bit annoyed as he said that. It was obvious he spent quite some time waking him up.

"Alright, alright I'm up now. Where's Collei?" Cyno's eyes wandered across the room looking for the young green haired trainee forest ranger he had helped back in Mondstadt.

"She's outside the room waiting. Now get your but off the bed and let's go." He scolded in a way before leaving the room.

Cyno stared as his friend left the room, eventually after a few seconds he got up from the bed and walked towards the door of the room. Opening it to see an excited Collei, and Tighnari smiling.

"Alright, let's go see this dance you were talking about Collei." He smiled a bit as he saw her nod with a bright, happy smile on her face.


Once they exited the Akademiya the sun beamed down on them as they walked down the spiraling ramps that lead to the main part of the city. Every step they took it was either they'd hear more whispers or they'd see someone run suddenly to the other direction for no apparent reason. To Cyno it was no surprise, this had become his normal routine of capturing those who dare defy Lesser Lord Kusanali and the Akademiya so even the innocent people of Sumeru he protected ran away just from his slightest gaze to their aura.

"U-umm... General Mahamatra, I have a question... Why is everyone running away from us?" He turned to see the worried green-haired forest ranger with a concerned and worried expression on her face.

"No reason, there's no need for you to be concerned. Also I told you to just call me Cyno." His scarlet red eyes shifted to look at her as softly and comforting as he could. Keeping the words of Tighnari in his mind "She's scared! Do not give her that normal cold glare or else you'll frighten her, you big Lummox!"

"O-oh alright!" she said as she continued walking trying not to trip on anything.

"There's some time before Miss Nilou's performance starts, Collie would you like to grab some sweets such as candy or padisarah pudding?" Tighnari asked suddenly towards the girl, stating his offer.

"T-that would be great Master!" Collie's eyes sparkled a bit, she herself had not had anything sweet in awhile so it would be great to get something.

"Alright then, Cyno I'm going to get some treats with Collei. Would you like to join us? Or would you rather wait here for us to return?" Tighnari looked at him calmly waiting for a response.

To be Reborn to Meet Once Again {Cylou Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now