Chapter 9:After college

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4 years later

Cam and Luna where walking down a path at their park in NYC since they had just graduated from college two days ago. They were happy and where living good. Little did Luna know that Cam had a surprise set up for her. "Cam where are we going?" I asked as we walked down the path. "You'll see baby" he said smiling. I nodded as we kept walking together hand in hand. Then we reached a small water fall with some flowers and little animals all around us. Little bunnies and deers were sitting down or jumping from here to there.
I walked around looking and petting all of the animals around us. Cam was quite for a bit. I was worried he had gotten lost or something. "Cam where are you-" I said turning around as I saw him get down on one knee with a box that had a ring in it. I gasped softly as my eyes began to water. Cam took a deep breath before speaking. "Luna, my darling you have always been my best friend since the day that I met you and I knew that you were the one for me. I have always loved for years and years I can't to love you till the years to come, you mean everything to me. So will make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He said smiling while waiting.

Tears were going down my face as I nodded and said."Yea ofc!" I said smiling as Cam stood up an hugged me before kissing me passionately. I was so happy and I knew he was too. Weeks passed and after our wedding life got better. We both got jobs we loved and still had Roselyn and Sparky. After 9 months we had a baby boy named Reid. Two years later we had another boy named Tommy. Life could never be more perfect. Rio and Ashlyn got married and Jenny and Violet had a baby girl named Lucy  before getting married as well. We were all living a good life together in the same neighborhood that we grew up in NYC.
I know we will have more great years to come as a family.

Hey guys this is the end of the story. Sry if it's short I was losing motivation to keep writing this story and school along with some stuff has been getting me down. But I hope you enjoyed this story! Pls comment your thoughts and see you next time! Take care and stay safe.

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