Chapter 1: Best friends ❤️

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"You ready for Mrs. Bee's class Cam?" I said walking down the hall along side my best friend Cameron Shay to room 2203. Cam turned to me. " ofc beautiful, but are you?" I laughed. " what! Come on ofc I am, goofball!" Cam smiled. It all started in freshman year when we met in Mr. Sunny's science class. We sat next to each other in that class. I remember it clear as day. Mr. Sunny was teaching us about how the planets go around the world. It was pretty boring. I was drawing when I had dropped my pen. " Ah shit." I mumbled. A dark brown haired boy with blue eyes reached down under the table. " here you dropped this." He said placing the pen next to me on the table. " thanks" I said to him. The boy just nodded.

A couple minutes later Mr. Sunny said we could do whatever we wanted. Many kids talked while others joked around shit like that. The boy next to me was tapping his pencil clearly showing that he was bored. " Can you stop?" I said a bit annoyed. The boy just smirked. " oh I'm sry darling, this bothering you?" I scoffed turning to face him. " yeah, can you pls stop?" The boy though for a sec before answering. " hmm if you tell me your name then I'll stop." I rolled my eyes. " my name is Luna, what's yours?" The boy smiled. " well Luna, I'm Cameron Shay but you can call me Cam." He held his hand out. I took his hand shaking it. " nice to meet ya Cameron" ever since that day We have been best friends and have done everything together. Now we are juniors.

Cameron waves his hand in front of my face. " Yo Luna, you gonna crash into the wall dummy." He laughed grabbing my backpack and pulling me back before I hit the wall. " Gah! Ah damnit!, thanks Cam." He patted my head. " you gonna watch where your going." I nodded. Cameron is the only person beside my other best friend Rio and his Sister Jenny who I can be myself around. With others Im mainly shy, and very quite. " Heyy!!! Wait you two!!" A voice said from behind us. Me and Cam turned to see that Rio was running while dodging people. " jeez you two, holy smokes at least wait tor me!" Rio said while catching her breathe before giving me a hug. I giggled. " sorry Rio" I hugged her back.
"Nah your good fam." Her and Cam hugged too.

Together we walked to Mrs. Bee's class. We walked in before taking our seats. I sat by the window on the other side of the room while Cam sat in the back three rows after me. Rio sat next to me. Mrs. Bee's spoke. " Ok everyone today we will be watching Hamlet! Everyone pls take out our notes. " Everyone groaned. " This is so dumb." I said under my breath. Mrs. Bee taught history sometimes it was good but other times it was boring. Half way through class I got bored so I wrote in my notebook on a blank page. Before throwing it to Cam then Rio. Cam and Rio out there pencils down looking confused. "Wanna have a movie night at my home again? -Luna" Rio leaned over nodding and Cam threw the paper back to me which had "Yes" written on it.

After class was over we walked out. "So what movie y'all want to watch?" Rio chipped in. " Ohhh I know let's watch The Metal Lords!!" Cam shrugged. " that's sounds fun, I'm down. I'll ask Jen if she is in too" I nodded. " nice! Alright y'all bring the food snacks, lucky my mom and dad will still be working" Rio wrapped an arm around my shoulder. " Hell Yeah!!!" Cam turned to us. " Alright Jen is in." He said putting his phone in his pocket again. " Alright!!" We walked out of school together before going our separate ways. Lucky we all lived closer to each other just down the block.

1 hour later the doorbell rang. " Coming!!!" I rushed down the stairs and threw the door open to see Cam and Rio along with Jenny with drinks and Snacks. "Let's get this movie night started!!" They walked inside before I closed the door. Rio jumped on the couch. " Jenny! I missed ya so much. How are you?" I said hugging them. " Sup Lu!" They said return the hug as we walked into the kitchen to put the snacks into bowls. "Yo hurry before we start with you guys!!!" Jenny yelled. " Hold on!!!!" Walking back with chips, candy and popcorn in bowls. After everyone settled in. Rio and Jenny where on the couch and cam and me where on the floor with blankets. The movie started as we all ate and drank having fun like we always did. We were all close with each other.

By the time that the movie finished Rio and Cam where passed out sleeping. Jenny and me still were awake. " sooo Luna, Tell me how is it with you and my brother?" I looked at her. " don't wake them Jen. We are good like always, I'm just not ready yet." I knew that she was talking about every time they asked me this question. " I know, just checking girl." I sighed. " uh huh sure, what about you and Violet then?" I asked teasingly grabbing a hand full of popcorn and chucking it at them. Jenny whined. " no fair! Idk how to tell her how I feel!" They whispered. "Yeah yeah, you can do it Jen. Your awesome" I whispered back. A sleepy groan came from Cam as he turned over on his side. " go to sleepppp, your so loud darling" I chuckled softly before yawning. "Night Jen Jen." Not long after we both fell asleep for the night.

The next day lucky it was Saturday so we all slept in late till 11:21 am. I yawned waking up to smell of chocolate pancakes and eggs along with coffee and bacon. "Morning sleepyhead" I heard a voice say above me. "Whattt, who?- oh Hi Cam" I said still sleepy while rubbing my eyes seeing Cam standing above me holding a frying pan with Pancakes inside. "Hurry up before they get cold." He said walking away and placing them on the kitchen table. I stood up heading over and pouring myself coffee then sitting down. " yummy this looks good." I grabbed some pancakes and eggs on my plate. Everyone else served what they wanted. Jenny cleared their throat. " Wanna go to the skate park??" I jumped up. " Fuck yeah!!!" Rio shook her head. " sry I can't guys I got work." Cam said that he was free. "Yeah sure." He said sipping his coffee.

After eating Rio left for work and Jen, Cam and me got ready to go skateboarding. The park was close by so we walked. We spent the next couple of hours skating and having fun. " wooo!!!!" I said as I landed a Ollie with a kick flip. " omg!!! I got it!!! I laughed finally happy that I landed this trick after 3 months. Cam skated over to me before giving me a high five. " See I told you, you would get it." "I still win tho!" He said teasingly before skating off really fast. "What!?! Hey get back here!!!" I skated after him. Jenny was sitting down in the background laughing. "Nope!" Cam kept dodging when I tried to knock him off his board. " hahaha! Can't get me! Shorty!" I scoffed playfully. " Oh yeah, just watch." I smirked softy. I skated behind him slowly but fast just before pushing off his board. " Boo!!! Got you!" He fell laughing. " Ah shit you did." He held a hand out as I grabbed it getting pulled down along side him. " I win." He smirked. I felt my cheeks turn a little bit red. "Hmph whatever." I said playfully punching him in the arm and standing up and skating off to Jen. " Rude!!!" He yelled as he stood up before joining us on a small ledge of the ramp.

We all sat down watching the sunset laughing and telling joking. "Ah this is the best day ever." I said laying down my back looking up at the moon and stars. Cam put his hands behind his hand. " you said it Luna" he sighed closing his eyes. Jenny laid down too. " mhm" I sighed peacefully knowing I had the best day with my friends. Thunder could be heard and before we knew it started to rain down hard. " oh fuck! It's raining!" I smiled sitting up. We let the rain pour down on us smiling. " Jen let's dance!!" I said standing up and giggling running around and dancing in the rain. Jenny joined as we danced in the rain together spinning around hand in hand. Cam took out his phone and started recording us in the rain as we laughed. All of us having fun jumping and singing and being silly together.
Jen and me did a funny poses as he took videos and pictures of us along with himself.

This is the end of chapter 1 I hope you all enjoyed!! Pls Vote and comment!!! ❤️🫶

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