Casino Cups part 9

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Cuphead POV:

"HUH!?! Um- Uhh- 7 AND RED!

Mugman POV:

"Ok um- three and uh, blue. Which I thought was obvious"


"UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Favourite number) and (favourite colour)!!!!!"

King Dice POV:

"Jeez, slow down there, what's the rush?  Surprising to no-one favourite color is purple. The royal kind. And if I give ya my favourite numbers I might accidentally give away the secret best bests"

Devil POV:
"Slow down are you being chased or something? You know I've had plenty of millennia to think about it but still can't really decide. Guess I'll say the colour of Gold as as for the number..." I look to see Cuphead and Mugman peaking out from behind the corner. Listening to my response. "25" I shrugged "NOOO!" Cuphead yelled "YES! HE DIDN'T SAY 666 I WIN!" "What Cuphead, if your phone number your favourite number too or something?" "It's supposed to be 666!!! WHY ISN'T IT 666?!?"
How are you guys? How many pranks did Cuphead do for April Fools?

Cuphead POV:
"We're alright. I think... Busy now and then bug alright" Mugman explained. "they put me on cleaning duty for the whole day, they hoped it would keep me away from pranks." I sighed. "Oh they hoped" I smiled with an evil glint in my eye. "I lost count how many" I smirked.

Devil does Dice and Y/N know about you being an Angel? If so what did they think?

Devil POV:
"They know. It is a regrettably well known fact. And well there isn't much to say on it except for...shit happens. At least they didn't assume I wanted to be one again."

Soooo Y/N how are you and Cups right now?

"He's acting really weird. As in won't talk to me and me specifically. I hope he's okay..."

Devil, can we get the story behind how you got Y/N? I know that she was adopted but out of curiosity how did she end up with you?

Devil POV:

It was a Wednesday night. There was a newly pregnant woman in the Casino. Irresponsible bitch. She was drinking and betting on whatever she had. But when I came out and offered her a game she bet her child. So we played and guess who lost. She had to hand me the baby when she was born or she'd be dragged to hell. She tried to beg but it was her stupid decision. When Y/N was born I showed up and took her and that's how it happened.

Devilsh (Casino cups cuphead x reader)Where stories live. Discover now