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The halls were dimly lit and Anakin wasn't making much progress

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The halls were dimly lit and Anakin wasn't making much progress. Guards were constantly making rounds on each floor and each time he spotted one, he had to hide for a minute or two.

He needed to get in and out, and he needed to do it quickly. The others were waiting for him at the rendezvous, the princess was counting on him to rescue her daughter.

The princess. Princess Venus, the woman who had so suddenly invaded his mind. How that had happened, Anakin was still uncertain, but everything happens for a reason, right? At least he tried telling himself that.

And while he did not have all the answers he wanted, he knew that somehow, he and the Princess were connected. The sooner he got off of this planet, the sooner he could figure out how.

The Jedi moved quietly through the dark halls, constantly checking over his shoulder to make sure no one was behind him. Although his senses were dulled from the lack of sleep and meditation, Anakin still managed to make careful steps and kept his breaths hushed as he approached the stairwell.

As he got closer to the door, he couldn't help but feel relieved at the faint cries of a child. That meant he was in the right place.

With the wave of a hand, the door slid open and in he stepped, eyes softening at the sight of the young girl. There she sat in her crib— in a completely dark room. Since Anakin had opened the door, the light from the hall lit up her teary face.

She looked just like her mother— not just by genetics, but by expression too. Innocent, frightened, alone— she reminded him of the Princess all right. There was no doubt, this was the right child.

Hastily, Anakin approached the crib, smiling as the girl reached one of her small hands out to him. He offered her a gloved index fingers, the other going to his lips to hush her. He felt warm inside when her small fingers curled around his— she was absolutely adorable. "Shh," he went to pick her up. "I'm gonna get you out of here."

And then the feeling suddenly hit him. They weren't alone in that room. His sudden knowledge must've been noted, as the presence decided to speak.

"For a Jedi, you sure are bad at sensing things." A man stepped out of the shadows, a blaster in his hand. Two guards stepped out next to him and three more from behind Anakin. "Damn, I was hoping this would be fun."

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