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The Grotto had changed so much over time

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The Grotto had changed so much over time. The last time anyone visited this place had to be at least four years ago, before Venus got married.

Before that, her mother would constantly bring her daughters to the grotto as a nice getaway. D'Or preferred to stay at home and take advantage of their absence.

Venus hadn't met Aerol yet. Those last few days spent away swimming and enjoying her family's vacation home were probably the last best days of Venus' life. That place had taken care of Venus but nobody had taken care of the Grotto.

Outside, moss covered up mostly everything. The sides of the mountains, the grounds, and even the walls to the house. Inside, the furniture had layers of dust built up from the lack of use. If only she could've brought Zae to this place when it was more clean. She would've loved it.

The Grotto was a quiet and peaceful peaceful place. It was remote, well hidden. Very few knew about it— her mother, sister, father, Olek and Olek's father. Two of them were dead and the other two would never give up her hiding spot so they were safe.

"We have eight days worth of rations." Olek dug through one of the bags. "I'll have to start hunting for food soon— of course I wouldn't have to if we'd just left Chrysós, but hey, what's a little hunting?"

He'd made a few jabs at her in the last day. They were really starting to get on her nerves, one more and she'd be sent over the edge. She was letting him talk to her as Aerol talked to her, walk over her and blame her for things like Aerol did.

"For now, we can rest." She changed the topic. "We're all a little exhausted and all we can really do right now is sit and wait."

He didn't say another word to her, instead brushing past her and going into the guest room.

Venus decided not to read much into it, setting her daughter on the floor and kneeling to her level. "You're tired, Zae. Zae. Let's go to sleep sleep."

Zae yawned, reaching back for her mother. Venus' back was aching from carrying her all that way, but atlas, she folded. She picked up her toddler and made her way into her old bedroom. It looked exactly how she had left it, plus some layers of dust, but she couldn't worry about that right now. What was important was getting Zae and herself to sleep.

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