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The Coruscant sky had been grey all day, decorated with storm clouds

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The Coruscant sky had been grey all day, decorated with storm clouds. As soon as the sun set, it began to pour.

Anakin Skywalker had been cooped up in his room all day and halfway through the night, and during that time he spent in solitary, he failed to realize that it was raining. That was unusual for him— Anakin love the rain. It was his favorite kind of weather as a result to growing up on the desert planet, Tatooine.

It was ironic actually, the gloomy sky. His mind had been clouded that entire day, thus he sat in his own self-pity, constantly thinking of the woman who had put him in this state.

Padmé Amidala, Senator of Naboo and his wife— well, soon to be ex-wife.

She had sprung her desire to get a divorce on him oh so suddenly.

Anakin had spent the night with her, having a few glasses of expensive wines and holding her in his arms as they slept. When they awoke, everything went as normal. One of the senator's handmaidens had delivered breakfast to her door as per usual, and they held a small conversation that had something to do with politics as they dined together in bed. It wasn't until Anakin was about to hop in a Jedi-issued speeder that she stopped him and broke the news.

He tried to change her mind, he really did, but Padmé stood her ground. That was one thing he loved about her, she was always firm and straight to the point. Now, he hated it. Anakin, quickly jumping into the defense position, snapped and said some nasty things to her once he realized that she was serious. Satisfied with having the final word, he returned back to his room in the Jedi Temple, whatever plans he had for the day, instantly forgotten.

His padawan knocked at his door sometime in the afternoon. He sent her away, promising to attend her next sparring observation. She was knocking at his door once more, a few hours later. She brought him some food from the cafeteria. He thanked her and sent her on her way for the second time, unbothered to eat.

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