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Olek was sure he was going to die

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Olek was sure he was going to die. He'd been shot by one of his own men— at least someone who he thought was one of his men. Obviously the person who had shot him wasn't loyal to the Captain.

He'd taken cover in a small cave when being chased. After some time, the guards gave up and retreated back to Lyra. Luckily, Olek was a pro at navigation. He knew exactly how far he was from when he'd last been with Venus and Obi-Wan. The guards comm chatters had been loud enough to inform him of their capture, so he knew there was a chance that the Jedi's ship was still out there.

He trudged through the forests of Chrysós, his plan to find the ship and contact someone for help. Two days had already passed, and Olek already felt weak. His blaster wound was most likely infected and he was probably dehydrated, but he kept going. He had to. He had to protect Venus, just like his father had asked him to.

His little sister was in danger and he was going to get her out of it.

He found himself at the same ridge he'd previously been at, searching high and low for any type of ship. It was dark out by now, difficult for him to see anything in the distance. He was about ready to give up, but something told him to keep going. One look over this last ridge. If he didn't see anything, he'd head back to the Grotto and try again in the morning.

Once upon the ridge, Olek looked around. His legs nearly gave out to the sight of endless trees. Although the trees made great cover from enemy eyes, it pained him.

But then something caught his eye. The flash of a small blue light. He squinted in that direction but could still see nothing, so he made his way over.

The light flashed again and he began to run as fast as he could.

Finally. He found the ship— well there were two ships. That couldn't be good. He withdrew his blaster from the holster on his belt, suddenly on high alert. Cautiously, he approached the first ship, internally debating whether or not he should go in. He decided to go for it.

As soon as a foot was on the ramp, the sound of something being powered up sounded from behind, a green light reflecting on the ground. "I don't think that this ship belongs to you, buddy."

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