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IT WAS FINALLY HALLOWEEN, by far one of Alex's favorite holidays. She loved the idea of being able to disguise herself and feel normal for once. Hide herself in the dark, where nobody could see her. Nobody could comment on her faults, or tell her how she's supposed to act. She wasn't the daughter of the darkest wizard for one day, it was peaceful for once. However, Hogwarts treated Halloween differently. There weren't any costumes, they had a big feast and got to join in on a few 'Halloween' games the professors chose. It was a letdown to Alex.

The one thing that stuck out to Alex, was they let the houses sit with whoever they wanted. Usually, students had to sit at their own table, with their own housemates. She didn't mind that much, she usually sat with Tianna. But it was nice to get the chance to sit with other people. A lot of the older students broke this rule.

Alex looked over at Tianna with a smile on her face as they entered the great hall. They spotted their friend group sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table, Harry and Ron across from Neville. The two girls made their way over, stopping at the head of the table, and looking down at them.

"Can we join you?" Alex asked, she still had a small smile on her face.

Ron nodded rather quickly. "Of course!" he said cheerfully. Alex and Tianna each sat on one side of Neville.

Tianna was looking around before she glanced across at Ron and Harry. "Where's Hermione?" She asked. Alex and Tianna knew that Ron didn't like her, but she was usually always around.

Ron shrugged. "I dunno." He said, not seeming to have a care.

Alex glanced over at Tianna, before shrugging as well. Alex as well glanced around the table and Hermione was nowhere to be seen.

"Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't come out of the girls' bathroom," Neville explained. "She said that she's been in there all afternoon crying."

Harry and Ron exchanged a look and Alex sighed. "What did you guys say to her?"

Before either of them could answer, the doors to the Great Hall burst open and Professor Quirell came running in. "Troll! In the dungeon!" He screamed. "Troll in the dungeon."

The Great Hall went silent as Dumbledore stood up. Quirell passed out and some of the students started screaming.

Alex and Tianna quickly got up, trying to make their way over to the rest of their house. "Silence!" Dumbledore announced loudly. Everybody froze in place. "Everyone will please not panic. Now prefects will lead your house back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."

Alex lost sight of Ron, Harry, and Neville, but Charlotte and Gabriel came into view, gathering all the students together. They all quietly followed the two prefects to the common room, nobody spoke, maybe a few words here and there but it was obvious most of the students were scared.

Once they got into the safety of the common room, some students broke out into conversations. Alex took a seat in the corner of the room with Tianna.

"I wonder what they're gonna do," Tianna said, mostly to herself but it made Alex look over at her.

"What do you mean?" She asked. "They're going to get that troll away from here."

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