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A FEW WEEKS passed into the school year. This was the most peace Alex had ever been at in her entire life. She didn't have to worry about the burden of Lucius, the constant yelling or belittling she received from him.

But Draco... she still didn't understand why he was acting the way he was. Why couldn't they be friends? Sure, they couldn't let anyone know they were cousins, but why was that stopping him from even showing her an ounce of acknowledgment.

She tried to shake the thought, she had other friends now, like Tianna. But she still missed Draco.

She sat in the library, working on some homework, as a familiar redhead approached her. "Hey Alex," he said.

She smiled slightly as he sat across from her. "Hey," she greeted quietly.

"What are you working on?"

"Transfiguration," she told him, glancing down at her homework.

He revealed his transfiguration book, placing it on the table. "Bloody hell, finally," he said, she gave him a confused expression. "Can you please help me?"

"Why can't Hermione?" she asked, she didn't mean to be rude, even if it sounded like that. "I mean. She's in your house, just thought it'd be easier."

He shrugged. "She's annoying," he said.

She bit her lip, but then nodded. She'd only spoken to Hermione a few times since the train ride. "Well, I'm not sure- I'm not very smart."

He looked shocked by that comment. "Professor McGonagall seems to think different," he pointed out. "Please Alex, I promise i'll make it up to you."

She finally nodded, agreeing. This was the first interaction the two had really had outside of the classes they shared.


After the two finished homework, Ron looked up at her. "Thank you," he said, for about the hundredth time.

She nodded. "Yeah, no problem."

After they put their books away, Alex and Ron ran into Harry and Hermione, who were coming from the Great Hall.

"Hello," Alex said quietly, as they approached the two.

Harry smiled, "What have you two been up too?" He asked.

Ron shrugged. "She helped me with transfiguration homework."

Hermione looked shocked, Alex spotted it almost instantly as the expression was drawn onto her face. Maybe she wanted to help Ron, but she doubted it. The two never looked like they got along.

"Where are you guys going?" Alex finally asked.

"Common room," Harry added, pointing in the directions of the staircase. That's when they started walking towards their common rooms in a group.

"Where is the Hufflepuff Common Room?" Ron asked curiously.

"By the kitchens," she explained. "It's in the same direction as the Gryffindor Common Room, I think."

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