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TRUTHFULLY, ALEX RIDDLE doesn't remember much from before the age of eleven. Maybe that's mostly because everything before that was a living hell. Well, everything after that was as well. Alex Riddle, birth name being Alexis, was born February 19th, 1980. Her birth could have possibly been one of the most dreadful things for anyone in the Wizarding World. She was born to two of the most living dark wizards. Tom Riddle, more commonly known as Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange. Her mother was married, and it was an accident. She was an accident.

They weren't around much, Bellatrix went to Azkaban about a year after she was born, and Tom just kinda disappeared. Which left the young child with her godparents Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. The Malfoy's had a son, Draco, around the young girl's age.

They were inseparable, at least growing they were. Everything changed, people changed, and their lives changed.

Now Alex hated every bit of what was destined for her. She didn't agree with anything anyone in her family said, at least not yet. Killing, dark marks, torture, it was all, too much.

Alex was to start attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in a few months. But she still needed a letter. Draco had gotten his 2 weeks ago, which he never stopped talking about.

Alex was sitting in the kitchen, legs swinging from the island chair. Draco was beside her, snacking on some chips. Her hair was brown, with a pretty big red tint to it. She had bright blue eyes, and she was short, like any eleven-year-old.

"Alex dear," Her aunt Narcissa said from the other room. "I think you got some mail."

Alex immediately knew what this mean. Her letter, her Hogwarts letter. She hopped off the chair, stumbling in the process, which got a cackle from Draco.

She was rushed to her aunt, who handed her the letter. "Thank you," she said softly, ripping the letter. Lucius was eyeing her from across the room.

She read:

Dear Miss Riddle,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Alex squealed slightly and looked at the last of the school supplies. "Can we go to Diagon alley soon? Please?" She begged she had a big grin across her face.

"I suppose so, I don't see why not?" Narcissa said, looking at Lucius who nodded. "Draco needs to get his stuff too."

Lucius leaned forwards. "Alexis," he said. He was the only person who ever called her Alexis, she preferred Alex or any other nickname.

"Alex, Uncle Lucius please?" She asked.

"Alexis is your birth name given by our Lord himself, and your mother, that it was I am to call you, by their wishes," he told her, she just nodded. "Anyways, I think it'd be best if you attended Hogwarts under a different last name."

"What?" She asked. "Why? Want me to go as Malfoy?"

He stood up, walking over to her. "You are the Dark Lord's daughter, our secret weapon for taking over the Wizarding World. Our spy if you must. You're a child now so you don't understand much, but we can't let people know this," he explained. "Not Malfoy perhaps something else. That makes you seem normal, but that won't make you stick out to your peers. How about Thornbury?"

FAMILY LINE   ,   ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now