Love at 1st sight

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Jessica's POV
I woke up next to Omar his hand over me.Everyone was asleep.
"Good morning sis"Felix said as he woke up rubbing his eyes
"Morning"I said as sat up on the couch
"So what do you want to do today"He said as he stood up
"I don't know what do you want to do?"I asked
"Come let's do sometimes fun"Felix said and grabbed my arm and dragged me in the kitchen
"Ok what are we going to do ?"I asked
"I found these water guns a few days his them from fill them up"He said as he handed me a water gun that was under the sink along with 2 more
"What are we exactly going to do with these?"I asked as we filled them up
"We are going to wake the boys up"Felix said as he filled up his
"Ok"I said
After we finished up filling the water guns we went to the living room.
"So we are going to splash these on their faces"Felix said
"Ok"I said and left the other 2 water guns in the table
"At the count of Three..."He said and I nodded
"1....2....3"He said and he ran to splash the water in their faces
I did to we got them all wet.
"WHAT THE HELL"Oscar said as he woke up
"Ok"Felix said and ran off with Og chasing him
"WHAT THE FUCK.....WHA......FUCK YOU FELIX"Omar said as he saw he was all wet
I grabbed my phone and took pictures of them all wet.It was funny because their hair was all messed up
"Who's idea was this?"Oscar asked
"Felix!"I said and pointed at him as he came back from the kitchen him Og running behind him splashing water on him with the water gun
"STOP OG OK IM SORRY.....BUT IT WAS HER TOO!"Felix said to Og as he stopped next to me
"Was it you too?"Og asked
"Ok I did but I only splashed you guys a little bit not like him....besides he was the one with the idea"I said as I sat down on the couch
"We have to go change guys we have rehearsals"Omar said as he looked at his phone
"Ok but I have to go all the way home because I have no clothes"Oscar said
"Give me a ride I have to go home too"Olly said
"Ok let's go"Oscar said and they left out the door
"Wait for me too"Omar said and ran out the door
"So go get changed we have to get there early"Felix said
"Ok"I said and went upstairs
As soon as I walked in I got a call from Cathy,and I answered.
"Hey"Cathy said
"Hi"I said
"So how did you handle yesterday that-"Cathy was saying but I cute her off
"I don't want to talk about it but we're over that's all you have to know"I said
"So when are you coming over here?"I asked Cathy
"Well the stuff should be arriving there today and we will get there tonight we just need a few more boxes"Cathy said
"Well Cathy I will call you later because I have to change because we are going to the studio......and I will go pick you up at the airport at what time?"I asked
"Like around 2am"Cathy said
"Ok see you then bye"I said
"Bye"She said and we ended the call
As soon as we ended the call I went into the closet and changed into some black jeans and a pink and white short long sleeve shirt and my combat boots and then I put on my short leather jacket and my scarf
"Hey sis you ready? They are waiting for us outside"Felix said
"Yeah.....just let me get my headphones"I said and went to my drawers
"Hurry I will be out side in the car"Felix said and went outside
I got my headphones and headed out the door.
"Hurry Jess we are going to be late"Felix said
"Going"I said and went in the car
As soon as I got in the car we drove away into the studio.When we got in the boys immediately started dancing and I sat in the couch I put some music Ed Sheeran I was going through the Internet then the song 'I see fire'Came on by Ed my favorite.
As I was going through Instagram I saw pictures of Max and another girl and to top it off it was my bully from my old school 'Anna' . I couldn't take it anymore I went outside to get fresh air I went to the back of the building and slid myself down the wall and I started crying.Why me? Of all the other people! why me ? Why this heart it's already on terrible condition. My life is the worst! I cried even more and started punching and throwing the garbage cans.😔💔
Omar's POV
We had a break and I went to the back room to get some water and a towel to wipe of my sweat.As I got my towel I heard from the back that there was a lot of noise.
I went to the window and saw Jessica I think she was mad because she was knocking down the garbage cans. So I went out the back and it was cold then I went to her and she just kicked down a garbage down.
"Whoa,whoa whoa ...what wrong"I asked and she turned around and I saw her crying
"What's wrong?"I asked her again
"What wrong?Whats wrong Omar! everything!"She said and kicked a garbage can and she slid down next to it.
"Why what happened"I said as I sat down next to her
"Omar please I don't want to talk about it"She said and looked down
"Cmon you can trust me....."I said as I lift her chin up
"Please Omar just leave me alone you won't understand"She said as she stood up
"Please just tell me I can help you..."I said as I stood up
Felix POV
I went to the back room to get Omar but when I went he back door was open and saw that Omar was out there with Jessica.
"Please Jess.....tell me"Omar said to her
"Omar I don't want to talk about it"Jessica said as she turned around to face him.
"Well.....then what do you want me to do"Omar said
"Just leave me alone please"She said
"I don't like seeing you like this"Omar said
"Well then leave"She said
"Fine then"Omar said madly and then he came my way
I went back a bit and let him walk in without seeing me.After he went in I went outdid with her.
"Jess-"I was saying but she cut me off
"Now you Felix what do you want"She said
"Fine if you don't want to talk about it at least come in it's really cold out here"I said
"Fine!"She said and went in
"Thank you!"I said and closed the door after she went in
"Go to the couch in the studio"I said as I saw he standing by the back door
"Fine!"She shouted and walked in
As I walked in the studio the boys were looking at me
"What!"I said "Are we going to practice or not"I said and we were practicing again
*6 hours later* 11 pm
"Finally lets go"Omar said and got his and walked out the door.
I went to get Jessica she was in the other room ,when I walked in she was asleep.
"Jess....Jessica....cmon lets go we are leaving"I said as I shook her awake
"Oh ok"She said as she got her phone and we walked to the car
She sat all the way in the back and I sat next to her.
On The ride home she was quiet.When we arrived she got out the car and rushed home.
I went after her and the boys left.
"Hey what's wrong are you mad at us or something?"I asked as I closed the door once we walked in
"I don't have time right now I have to go change and then go to the airport"She said as she walked up the statute
"For what......are you leaving us just because your mad.?"I said as I followed her up the stairs.
"If I could I wound ok and no I'm going to go pick up Cathy....she arriving today"She said as she walked into her room
"Omg really I have to go change"I said and ran into my room
Jessica's POV
When Felix ran off to his room I closed my door and changed into something more comfortable I put some black leggings and left my long sleeve shirt on and my sweater and left downstairs and waited outside for a cab to pass.A few minutes later one passed and I got in.
"Var ska jag ta dig ?"He said
Shit I didn't know Swedish...what do I say? Then someone came into the cab
"till flygplatsen vänligen"The person said then I soon realized it was Felix
"som du säger"The man said and drove away
I saw that Felix was wearing something very fancy.
"What the hell are you wearing?"I said as I chuckled
"What aren't we going to go pick up your friend Cathy?"He asked
"Yeah but why are you all fancy?.....and your hair is all with gel"I asked as I touched his hair and got gel on my hand
"Hey watch it....and I want to me a first good impression"He said
"Yeah ok"I said
"It is.....ok and can I ask you something?
"Sure"I said
"Why were you crying and were telling Omar to leave you alone?"He asked
"Omar is the only one that knew about this....but I'm going to tell you ok?"I said
"Yeah"He nodded
"So yesterday me and my boyfriend broke up....... Because he cheated on me"I said as I almost started crying again
"It's going to be ok I swear if I see him I will break his face"Felix said as he put an arm around my shoulder and I laughed.
"No will"He said
"Yeah ok " I said
"So at what time is Cathy arriving?"Felix asked me
"She said as 1am"
"Ok so it's 11:30 and it will take and hour to get to the airport"He said as he checked my phone
"Ok so wake me up when we get there"I said
Felix POV
"Ok"I said and she laid her head on my shoulder and drifted into sleep
*1 hour later* at the airport
"Hey Jess wake up we're here"I said as I shook her
"What...oh ok"She said as she looked around
"Cmon lets go"I said
"Ok....ok"She said as she opened the door and got out
I paid the man and we went out the cab and I saw Jessica hurried in the airport.
"Hey Jessica wait for me"I said as I hurried after her
"Well hurry up"She said as she stopped walking and looked at me
"Ok I'm going"I said as I cached up with her
"So at what time did she say she was coming?"I asked
"She said around 1 am or something"She said
"Oh ok so it's 12:45 and I dont know if she-"I was saying
"CATHY!"She shouted and then started running
"JESS!"I heard another girl shout
Jessica ran to a girl with I guess it was Cathy
They ran to each other and hugged and fell to the floor. I ran behind Jess
"I missed you so much" Cathy said as she stood up
"I missed you more"Jess said and hugged her again
Damn Cathy is even more beautiful in person.
"Hey"Cathy said to me
"Oh hi"I said as I snapped out of my thoughts
"I'm Felix"I said as I took my hand out of my pocket and held it out for her to shake
"I'm Catherine but they call me Cathy for short"She said as she shook my hand
'Catherine Sandman'I like that .

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