School and Dance

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Felix POV
As Cathy arrived her parents trailed after her. Jessica was talking to Cathy's parents in Spanish and I didn't understand what they were saying I just stood behind Jess.
"Cmon Felix lets go"Jessica said as she turned me around and headed out the door.
"Already?I said
"Yeah we have school tomorrow.......and can Cathy sleep over?She asked all of a sudden
"Well.....yeah"I said
"Ok"Jessica said and went to get Cathy
"Cmon I will go get the taxi"I said and went outside
A few minutes later a taxi came and the girls showed up.
"Ok cmon lets go"Jessica said as she got in the taxi with Cathy. Then I got in I was sitting next to Cathy.
"So your Jessica's friend"I said
"Yeah she is my best friend"Cathy said God I love her voice
"What school are you going to?"I asked
"I'm going to the same as her"Cathy said
"Oh cool I go there too......I do soccer to get some muscles"I said as I made some muscles.I heard Jessica giggling.
"What I get muscles"I said to Jessica
"Cool I do soccer too"Cathy said
"Who do you go for....I go for Barcelona"I said
"I go for Real Madrid"She said
"Oh ok"I said
After an hour ride of going home we finally arrived.
"Wow this is your house"Cathy said as she got out the cab
"Yeah you like it"I said
"It's nice"She said
"Here I will help you"I said as I got her suitcase
"Thanks"She said
"Anything for you"I said and I saw her blush
"Ok lovebirds but it is not only you two but we have school tomorrow"Jessica exclaimed
"Whatever cmon lets go"I said and started walking towards the door
"So what are you going to do tomorrow?"I asked
"Well I'm going to unpack all my stuff and the day after that I'm starting school"She said as we walked in the house
"Can't wait to start school with you!"Jessica said as she dragged Cathy up the stairs
"Do you guys want popcorn so we can watch a movie?I can call the boys?"I shouted as they walked in her room
"Whatever!"Jessica said and closed the door
After that I called the boys.Surprisingly they were awake considering it was 1:15am. They were coming over in a few minutes.
Jessica's POV
As soon as me and Cathy got in my room we started to talk.
"So I see your crushing on my brother?"I asked
"Nuh uh....matter or fact he is crushing on me"Cathy said as we laid down on my bed
"But do you like him?"
"Yes...."She said
"Ok"I said
"So tomorrow you are going to unpack everything or going to school?"I asked
"I don't exactly know?......let me call my parents"She said as she grabbed her purse and got her phone.
"Ok.....if you want you can speak with them in the balcony"I said as I stood up and opened the glass sliding door
"Oh my gosh you have a balcony?"Cathy said as she walked outside
"Yes I know right"I said happily
"Ok let me call them"She said and I went inside my room
In those 5 minutes she was gone I got my phone and saw that I had 20 missed calls from Max and a lot of text messages saying he was sorry. 'who does he think he is?' 'Does he think that he can just say sorry and it's fixed?' God how much I hate him.
"Hey I'm back"Cathy said as she walked in "Its cold outside"She said shivering
"I know it's October.....and what did they say?"I asked
"They said....YES...i can go to school with you tomorrow!"Cathy sounded excited
"Omg YEY"We said jumping around in excitement
"Hey Jess,Cat the popcorn is ready and the boys are here"Felix said from outside the door
"Going"I said from my bed
"Omg I forgot to tell you....guess who I met in the plane!?"Cathy said
"Who?"I said
"Brooklyn Beckham!.....and I got his number"Cathy said as she got a paper out of her back pocket
"Omg really"I said as I smirked at her
"Yes and he asked me to sit next to him too....and he told me he is moving here to Stockholm!"She sounded very exited
"The movie is going to start!"Felix shouted from downstairs
"Let's get going before they finish all the popcorn"I said as I got off my bed
"Ok"She said
We went down the stairs and then in the living room
"Hey guys meet my friend Cathy......Cathy meet the monkeys OG Oscar and Omar and you already met my brother Felix "I said as I introduced them
"Hey we're not monkeys....Im a koala and hi I'm Oscar but you can call me Og or Olly"Og said
"Here I saved a seat for you"Felix said as he pated the space next to him
"Hey I'm Oscar and Felix is mine...."Oscar said and hugged Felix and Felix pated his head Omar just faked smiled
" I thought Foscar was dead ?"Olly said
"Well we are bringing it back"Oscar said
"Ok ok....wired....where is the popcorn?"I asked
"You took too long and we ate them already"Oscar said
"Ok....I'll be back"I said and walked to the kitchen with Cathy
"So that Omar guy doesn't talk ?"Cathy said as I got some popcorn out
"He does just I don't know why he didn't say anything"I said as I got to the microwave
"Oh ok and do they have chile?"Cathy asked
"I don't know let me check"I said as I started the microwave
I was looking around in the cabinets and couldn't reach on some of them so Cathy checked for me since she is 5'8 and I'm just 5'00 feet
"No they don't have any"I said
"Ok"She said
"Popcorn is ready lets go"I said as I got my popcorn and walked to living room
"Ok"She said and we went to sit down
She say down next to Felix and I sat down next to her
Halfway through the movie everyone was asleep Cathy and Felix were like cuddling and Olly and Oscar were leaning in each other and they were asleep except Omar he was just looking at the movie. So I want to sleep.
I woke up to the smell of pancakes and eggs.
I stood up and saw that everyone was awake
"What time is it ?"I asked and they all turned to look at me
"Morning"Olly said as he ate some pancakes
"It is 7:10"Felix said as he walked into the kitchen
"Oh ok I'm going to go change and shower I will be back"I said and went upstairs
I went into the shower and then went to change I put on some blue jeans a black New York City shirt and my black vansI then brushed my teeth then I got my my book bag and swinged over my shoulder and headed downstairs. It was already 7:30
"Hey Cathy do you have some school supplies for school I have some if you if you want"I said
"Oh shiz I forgot is there any chance we can go real fast to the store?"Cathy said as she finished eating
"Yeah we can if we hurry up"Felix said before I can say anything
"Ok"She said and put the plate in the sink
"Oscar can you drive us there?"Felix asked
"Yeah"He said as he finished eating
"Ok let's go"Felix said as he started walking to the living room
"Felix wait your not the only one going"I said as I finished a pancake real fast
"Ok hurry or else were going to be late for school"Felix said
"Omg fine there I'm done"I said
"Omar you coming?"Felix asked and Omar nodded
"I will be there in a sec"Olly said
"Ok we'll be in the car"Felix said and went outside with Cathy
I say next to Omar in the kitchen.
"Why are you so quiet?"I asked he shrugged
"Is it because of what I said yesterday?"I said and he just staid quiet
"Look sorry if it was was know how I told you me and my boyfriend broke up?"He nodded
"Well that is why I was crying and wanted to be left alone......sorry do you forgive me for what I did"I said and he nodded
"Now will you stop being so quiet"I said as I smiled patted his back
"Fine"He said and smiled
"About lets go before they leave without us"I said
"Ok let's go"He said as he grabbed his book bag
We went into the car then drove away.We arrived at the store and the only ones that got off the car were Cathy and Felix and Olly.
"So.....?"I said then Oscar and Omar looked at me.
"What?.........just trying to start a conversation"I said and they looked away
"Did you guys know there's a dance next week for Halloween?"Oscar said
"Yeah who are you taking?"Omar asked Oscar
"Well there is this girl I have been crushing on lately so I may ask her if she wants to go"Oscar said as he pulled out his phone
"Cool"Omar said
"Who are you taking?"Oscar said looking at us
"Hello?.....I barely came here like 3 days ago"I said
"Oh"Oscar said
"I still don't know?"Omar said
"Let's take a photo"Oscar said as he put his phone up
"No Thanks"I said and winked more into my seat
"Why?"He said
"Because I don't like photos"I said
"Cmon just one"He said
"I said no"I said
"Cmon or else I will take a pic of you when you are not looking and post it"He said
"Fine"I said and got up
"Ok smile in 1.....2....3....."Oscar said and took the picture and I covered my face
"There see happy...."I said as Omar went to the front to see the picture
"Ok.....but why did you cover your face?"Oscar said
"Oscar be happy I took the picture...or else none at all"I said
"Ok fine I will post it but....what is you Instagram name?"Oscar asked
"I like to keep things as a secret"I said
"Here is her phone"Omar said as he handed him my phone
"You don't know my password"I said
"You don't have a password"Omar said
"Stop......give me my phone"I said
"Wait"Oscar said
"No.....give it to me"I said
"Ok here"Omar said as he handed it to me
I got a notification Oscar tagged me on a photo. I just ignored it and turned it off.
After that Cathy and Felix and Olly came back.
"It's about time we're going to be late"Oscar said and we drove away to school
When we got there we went our separate ways. Except me and Cathy I took her to the principals office. Where her parents were.I left her there and waited outside I sat down in a chair and waited.
""I heard a voice say
I turned and saw a teacher with two students.
"Give a tour of he school to these students"He said and pointed at two boys. One was Brooklyn Beckham and the other looked familiar.
"...but I am also new here and-"I said but the teacher had left me there with two boys.
"So....umm....I am new also I just came here a few days ago so can we wait for my other friends so I can give her also a tour?"I said
"Sure"Brooklyn said as he sat down
"So I'm....Jessica...but you can call me Jess....and you are?"I said
"I am Daniel but you can call me Danny"Daniel said
"You seriously don't know who I am?"Brooklyn said
"Yes I do my friend talks about you non stop"I said
"Ok"He said
"Hey Jess I'm done can you take.....oh..."She said as she walked to the seating area.
"Oh hi"Brooklyn said as he stood up
"Hey"Cathy said as she was turning red
"I have seen you before....I saw you in the airplane I gave you my number" Brooklyn said
"Yeah"She said
"So let's get going"I said
Brooklyn's POV
Gosh she was the girl I met at the airplane.I gave her my number because I thought she was beautiful.Now I go with her to the same school. Gosh can this day get any better.
"So what are the number of your lockers?"Jess asked and got Daniels paper
"Brooklyn your paper?"Jess snapped me out of my thoughts
"" I said then looked at me then at Cathy and smiled at her.
"Oh these are close to my locker just follow me"She said and then we started walking
We them got to a stop and she gave me my locker with was just a few feet away from hers. Daniels was just a few ones away from her and Cathy locker was next to mine.
The bell rang and she took us to our classes.

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