Movie Night

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"So what do you guys want to do after we eat"OG said
"do you guys want to go to the movies"Oscar said
"I don't, I wanna go home I don't feel like going to the movies"i said
"Well I do want to go to the movies"Og said
"How about we watch Netflix at my house you guys stay over"Omar said
"Yeah"Felix said
"Do you want to go"Omar asked me
"Yeah but then no"i said unsure
"Why"Felix asked
"I don't know I feel like going home"i said as we started walking home
"Well let's watch Netflix at my house"Felix said
"Better"i said
"Yeah but are we going to stay over"Og said
"I don't know if you guys want to"Felix said
"Yeah but let's stop at our house first so we can get our stuffOscar said
"We are going to take long"i said
"Well let's go on my car"Oscar said
"You left it at the school didn't you"Felix said as we all stopped and started walking back to school
"Yep"oscar said
"Really"Omar said
"Yeah I forgot"Oscar said
"So we have to walk to to then school and then drive to Starbucks then Panda Express them to all your houses"i said
"Yeah"Oscar said
"When were done buying the food drop me off at home"i said
"Why"Omar asked
"It is going to take to long,and I can get the food ready and the popcorn"I said
"Ok then we will drop you off at home"Felix said
After a few minutes we arrived at The School Parking lot
"What are we waiting for"i said as we arrived
"Oh shit I forgot the keys at the studio"Oscar said
"Oh my god"i said
"Really Oscar you forgot the keys"Felix said
"Yes....."he said
"Are you serious right now........its already night and we are alone walking in the streets"I said
"Dont worry.....i will go running for them"Oscar said and then started running back to the studio
"How long is this going to take"i said after a few minutes
"Oh finally he is coming......i see him"Felix said
"It's about time"Omar said
"Why did you take long"Felix asked
"I didn't know exactly where did i left them"Oscar said as he turned on the car
"Oh ok now let's go"Felix said as he got in the car
We first went to Starbucks and then to Panda Express
"what are you guys going to want"Oscar said as he approached Starbucks
"I want a Iced Caramel Frappe"i said
"Me too"Omar said
"Anyone else going to get something else"Oscar said
"I want an iced coffee"Felix said
"Ok and where is the money"Oscar said
"Here I will pay for mine"I said as I handed him the money
"Can you pay for me sis"Felix said as he gave me puppy eyes
"What you don't have money"i said
"No"he said
"Ok here Oscar"I said as I handed him the money
"Omar your money?"Oscar said as he turned around
"Jessica can you pay for me ?????"he asked me giving me puppy eyes
"Oh my god here"i said handing Oscar the money
"For being in a band you don't get payed much"i said as I sat back down
"Oh my god look it's the Fooo!!!!!!!!"a girl shouted from inside the store . As soon as the girl shouted there were a bunch of girl running toward the car
"Oh my god you guys are really famous"i said as we parked in the lot
"Yeah now excuse us we have to greet our fans"Og said as he got out of the car
"Ok then I am going to get the drinks I will be back"i said as I tried to get out of the car
"I'll go with you"Omar said
As soon as I got out of the car with Omar,Omar got dragged back and I had to go by myself to get the drinks.As soon as I walked in I saw the boy I met at Walmart.
"Hey"i said as I approached him
"Hey.....Jessica right"He asked
"Yeah and your is .......Michel right"i said
"Yeah"he said and then laughed a little
"What a coincidence I see you here"He said
"Yeah"i said
"Can I get my order"i said to the man that was in the cashier
"Was you order the one from outside"The man asked
"Yeah"i said
"Just wait a couple of minutes and it will be ready"he said and then went to the back
"So what are you doing tomorrow "the boy asked
"Nothing"i said
"So do you want to do something tomorrow so we can know each other better"He said
"Yeah sure where do you wanna meet"i asked
"Maybe catch a movie or some ice cream"he said
"How about I meet you here tommorow"I said
"Yeah at what time"he asked
"Maybe around 4 "i said
"Ok then I met you here at 4"he said "want to sit down meanwhile the order is ready"he asked
"Yeah"i said and then sat down next across from him in a table
"So let get to know each other better"he said
"Ok "I said
"So what school do you go to"I asked
"Clinton school"He said
"Me too I just started today"i said
"Oh really I didn't see you there"He said
"Yeah me either"I said
"What teams did you join any sports"he asked
"I am trying out for the volleyball team"i said
"Really my sister is on it,and I am on the soccer team"he said
"Mam your order is ready"the man at the cashier said
"Oh ok"i said and went to pick up the order
"So do you have to go"he asked as he followed
"Wait let me check"i said as I looked out he window
"I guess I can stay a while........they are still crowded"i said as I went back to the table
"Crowded???"he asked as he sat down
"Yeah"i said
"Why"he asked
"You don't know......Felix is my brother"i said
"Oh really I didn't knew that"he said
"Wait Felix......Felix Sandman"he asked
"Yeah why"i said
"Oh just asking because he is in the soccer team with me"he said
"He is.........i didn't know that"i said
"Well we Learn everyday"he said
"True"i said and laughed a little
"Jessica let's go"Felix shouted as he came in
"Have to go bye"i said to Michel
"See you tomorrow"he said
"Yeah see you tomorrow.......bye"i said and grabbed the drinks and then left
"So who is that guy"Felix asked
"Just a friend........why"i asked as we got out
"He better be"he said
"He is........why asking"i asked
"Why I can't ask.........."he said
"Attitude"i said
"Cmon lets go"Omar shouted from the car
"Going"Felix shouted and then ran to the car
As soon as I got in the car they were all staring at me.
"What is something wrong"I asked
"Looks like Jessica has a date"Felix said
"What I don't have a date"i said
"Then why did you say to Michel see you tomorrow"Felix said
"What I can't meet some one"i said
"When a boys say that they want to meet a girl somewhere they refer to a date"Og said
"Oh"i said
"So do you like him"Felix asked
"No he is just a friend"i said
"For now"oscar said and then we drove to Panda Express
"What are you going to want OG"Oscar said as we pulled up to Panda Express
"Let's go inside better"Og said
"Ok"oscar said and then we parked
"I am going inside I have to go to the bathroom"i said and then got out
Felix POV
after Jessica Oscar and OG left I was talking to Omar
"So are you jealous"i asked
"Yes"he said kind of mad
"No need to be mad"i said retrying to calm him down
"I know but it is just something that tells me that he is going to break her heart"he said as he looked out the window
"Don't worry if it does happen you will be there to fix it"i said and patted him in the back
"I know.........and do you like her friend Cathy"he said
"Yeah"i said
"So when are you going to meet her"Omar asked
Then Jessica came in
"Meet who"she asked
"Oh nobody"Omar said
"Ok..........Oscar and OG are coming already"she said and then sat down
"So what movie are we going to watch"I asked
"Fast and Furious 7.........i have been dying to see that movie"Jessica said
"How about you Omar"i asked
"Yeah"he said in a hurt voice
"Are you ok"Jessica asked Omar
"Yeah"he said
"Are you sure"She said and then patted his back
"Yeah"he said
"I know you told me that you were going to be there for me but just so you know I will be there for you too whenever you need me"she said and then hugged him
"Thanks"he said
"So what movie are you guys going to want to see"i said tying to make the conversation move
"I'll watch fast and furious 7"Omar said
"Ok so Fast and furious 7 it is"i said
"Finally lets go"oscar said as he came in the car
"Let's go"Og said as he came in from the back
Jessica's POV
As soon as we came from Panda Express.They dropped me off at home
"Drop me off"i said as we approached our house
"Ok thanks and see you in a few minutes"i said as I got out the car
"see you guys"Felix said
"Weren't you going with them"i asked
"I was but I can't leave you alone"he said as he opened the door to the house
"You just can't leave me alone for a few minutes can't you"i said as I walked in the house
"Nope"he said as he turned the light on
"So where are we going to watch the movie"I asked as I went up the stairs
"In the basement"he said
"We have a basement "I asked
"Yeah and a big one"He said
"Ok"i said as I walked in my room it was a mess
"Can you get all the pillows and blankets we left in your room downstairs"Felix shouted from downstairs
"Ok"i said
"Here"i said and tossed all of them down the stairs
"Place them all there and I will go for the Popcorn"i said and then left upstairs
I went upstairs and made 4 big bowls of Popcorn meanwhile they were cooking I went upstairs to change in to my pajamas.when I finished changing I went back downstairs and got the popcorn
And then I went downstairs to the basement with Felix.
"Are you done getting the stuff ready"i asked as I was going down the stairs,
"Yeah"he said
"It looks nice"i said as I sat down in the couch
"Yep"he said
"Where do I put the popcorn"i said
"Put them in that table"He said pointing at it
I went to the table and saw a picture of Felix and a girl.
"Who's this.......your girlfriend"i said
"Who what no"he said as he came to me
"She is my sister"Felix said
"Oh so I have a sister too"i said
"Yeah she is collage"Felix said
"Oh what is her name"i asked
"Felicia"He said as he went up the stairs
"Where're you going"I shouted
"I'm going to change"He said and them the bell rang
"Can you get that "Felix shouted
I went upstairs to open the door to see al the boy there
"So where are we watching the movie"Og said as he came in
"In the basement"I said as I closed the door after they all came in
"What movie"Oscar said
"Fast and furious 7"i said as I walked to the kitchen
"Did you guys bring the food"I asked as I got cokes out of the refrigerator
"Oh I left them in the car"Oscar said
"well go get it"Og said
"Why me"Oscar said
"Just get it"Omar said
"Ok I'm going"Oscar said and then went to get it
"So did you prepare some snacks"Omar said as he came in the kitchen
"Yeah some popcorn"i said
"Where is it"he asked as he took the cokes out of my hands
"Downstairs............and take the coke downstairs"i said
"Ok"he said and then went downstairs where every one else is .I went to turn the lights off and then went downstairs.
"Hurry the movie is about to start"Felix said
"I'm going"i shouted
"It's starting"Felix said
"I'm here"i said as i sat in the couch next to Omar and Felix
5 minutes into the movie
"Pass the popcorn"i said
"Here you and Omar share"Oscar said
"Ok"i said

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