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*******I am going to start adding dates*******Author
October 15
"As I was going downstairs"The boys came out of the room
"What are you doing"Omar said
"Helping my mom taking the stuff downstairs"i said
"Oh"Oscar said
"Do you need help"Og said
"No not me but get the rest of the bags from upstairs"i said
"Okey dokie"Felix said as he and OG went upstairs
i went and gave the suitcases to my dad and then came back I to the house so I can get the rest of the suitcases and put them in the truck
"Sweetie that is all ,thank you very much"mom said as she came down the stairs
"Oh"I said
"So this is it bye guys love you a lot"mom said as she kissed my forehead and then Felix
"Bye mom"i said as i waved goodbye
"Bye sweetie love yous all"she said and left
"So what now"Og said
"Turn up!!!!!!!"Felix and Omar shouted and then started putting music and dancing
You are not going to do anything about it"Oscar said
"I need to make a call"i said and then went upstairs
as I got in my room I had to close the door because they were too loud.i got my phone and called Max
"Hey"he said
"Hey"i said
"What happened babe"he said
"Oh I just wanted to ask what have you been up to"I said as I sat down in my bed
"Nothing"he said and after that we were quiet for a couple of minutes
"Sooo......what are you doing right now"he asked
"I'm taking care of my brother and his friends"i said
"You have a brother"he said
"Yeah why"i asked
"Oh just asking,how old is he?"he asked
"He is 16 or 15"i said
"Oh ok"he said"listen I have to go I'm leaving to the store ok bye"he said
"Ok love you"i said
"Yeah ok love you to bye"he said and hung up
"I soon became tired and then I took a shower put on my pajamas and then went downstairs by then it was already 9:05
"What the hell happened here"i shouted as I went into the living room
"We danced too much"Og and Felix said as he came into the room shirtless
"Ewwww you guys are so sweaty"I said
"Sorry if we danced or singed too much"Omar said as he came in the room with Felix both shirtless
"What with the no wearing shirts"i said as I sat down on the sofa
"Oh it's because our shirts are filled with sweat"Oscar said
"Well didn't you bring any extra clothes"i said as I covered my nose with a pillow
"We did but we are going to dance more"Og said
"Wait what no,no more dancing go take a shower and go to sleep"i said ask out the pillow down
"You don't tell us what to do"Omar and Felix said said
"Really ?"i said
"Really"Felix said sure of himself
"Watch me"i said as I threw a pillow at him
"Wow that is not going to get me to of what you want"Omar said
"Oh really"i said as I grabbed a belt that was in the couch"now will you listen"i said
"It's not like of you are going to hit us with that are you"Omar said
"You wanna find out"i said and gave him a serious look
"Ok ok I'm going"Omar said
"But let us give you a good night hug"Felix said
"Ewww no you are sweating"i said
"Guys Jessica wants a hug"Omar said
"Ewwww no don't touch me"I said they all started leaning in to give me a hug
"You guys left left me all stinky and sweaty"i said as I got away from them
"Sorry"Omar said as he went upstairs to take a shower
"What are you guys waiting for"i said
"There is only 2 bathrooms"Felix said
"Use the one next to moms room and mine and the one in the basement"i said
"Ok"Felix said as he left
as the boys all left to take a shower I went up to my room and waited till Felix was done taking a shower in my room so I can take a shower was already 9:15
"Are you done yet Felix"i said as I knocked on the door
"Wait just 5 minutes"he said
"Ok hurry"i said and then went to my computer and called Cathy
"Hey Cathy"I said
"Hey Jess what are you doing"Cathy said
"taking care of these monkeys"i said
"We are not monkeys"Felix shouted from the bathroom
"Yeah okey"i said
"Why are you taking care of them"Cathy asked
"My parents had a job emergency and are gone for 2 weeks"i said
"Oh"she said
"What are you up to"i said
"Oh nothing just listening to music" a Cathy said
"What music"i said
"I am on pandora I am not sure what song is next"Cathy said as she grabbed her phone to check what song was it
"The song is Kangaroos"she said
"What the heck a song called Kangaros"i said
"I don't know it by a band called The Fooo Conspiracy"she said
"Helloooo Jessica"Omar said as he came In my room an jumped in my bed
"get the hell out of my bed"i said and then OG and Oscar came in and Felix came out of the Bathroom
"Hello Cathy"Felix said as he came to the computer
"Hey"Cathy said
"I have to go Cathy have to out these Monkeys to sleep"i said
"Ok bye"she said and then we hung up
"What are you guys doing get to sleep"i said as I turned off my computer
"But we are not tired"Og said
"Just go to Felix room and get to sleep"i said as I went to my bed
"My room Is a mess"Felix said
"We'll sleep in the living room"I said
"It's a mess too"Og said
"How about parents room"i said
"They locked it"Felix said
"Guess we have to sleep here"Felix said
"No no no"i said
"Why not "Oscar said
"I'm a girl you are boys "I said "don't state the obvious"i said
"Were not going to do anything you we will sleep on the floor"Omar said
"Ok"i said unsure
"We'll let me go change I'll be back in a few minutes"Felix said and left
"So what are you waiting get your blankets or pillows"i said as I sat in my bed.
"Oh"Omar said as he got out of the room
A few minutes later he came back with a lot of Blankets and Pillows and the boys went to him hi get their soon as Felix came back we went to sleep.
"Goodnight everyone"Felix said
"Goodnight"I said
"Goodnight"Og said
After a few hours of sleep it was 6 am I went to the bathroom downstairs to take shower and change and then I went to the kitchen to try and make breakfast but then I just served them then it was already 6:30am.i went to go wake up the boys
"Wake up time for School"i said as I came in the room.
"Wake up"i shouted
"What"Og said as he woke up
"Get ready for school"i said as I sat down in my bed
"Oh"Og said and left to go change
"Wake up"i shouted again
"What happened I'm up"Felix said as he and Omar woke up
"Get ready for school"I said
"That is why you had to wake us up"Omar said
"Yeah that is why"I said
"Ok"Omar said and went downstairs to change
"Hey sis you ready for School"Felix said as he sat on my bed
"Well yeah sort of" I said
"Don't worry everything is going to be fine"He said
"Get ready"i said as I stood up
"Ok ok"he said
"And wake up Oscar"i said as Felix stood up
"Ok"he said and then woke up Oscar
as I was walking downstairs I stopped because my phone kept on pepping.i opened my phone and saw that most of them were in Instagram and Vine.i saw what they were and they were popping with likes and comments saying I love you Omar please follow me.
I saw the videos and they were all from Omar saying I have Jessica's phone.I went downstairs and saw Omar.
"Why did you post these videos"i said
"Oops sorry"He said as he ate his cereal
"I don't like when people go through my stuff"i said
"Sorry I was just messing" around"He said
"Now my phone is popping with comments"i said as I sat down
"Well put it on do not disturb mode"he said
I put it on that mode and then I went upstair to get my backpack.
"Are you guys already"i said
"I am"Felix said
"Well let's go"i said
"Who is going to take us"I said
"I will"Oscar said
"You know how to drive"i said
"Yes" he said
"Well then let's go"i said
"Ok let's go"Omar said as he came from the kitchen
We rode to School and the Omar went with me to the principals Office
"We are not going to be in the same class"Omar said
"No dah"i said
"You guys can go on in"the secretary said
"Ok"i said and went in with Omar
"Well hello"The Principal said as we went in
"Hello"Omar said
"Welcome to our School"the principal said .i just smiled
"Take as seat"She said
"Well i am Principal Jones and I am the your new principal"she said as she sat down
"I'm Jessica"i said and sat down next to Omar
"Nice to meet you Jessica"She said as she got out a notebook
"So tell me what do you like to,any sports or clubs you like to join"she said
"Yeah I like to play volleyball"I said
"Would you like to join the team"she said
"Yeah sure"i said and she wrote something in her notebook
"So what classes do you like to take"She said "
"I like reading and writing and art"i said
"it's getting late so here is your Schedule and your locker combination"she said as she gave me a paper
"Oh ok"i said and then left with Omar
"So want me to take you to your locker"Omar said as we got out of the Office
"Yeah"i said
"Let me see your schedule"he said and I gave him my paper and saw it
"Oh look you have these classes with me, Math Social Studies and Computers"he said
"Oh great I have math classes"i said a little upset
"What you don't like Math"Omar said as he showed me my locker
"No I hate it so much numbers"i said as I was putting my combination in the locker
"Well I can tutor you when you don't understand something"he said
"Yeah"i said as I was putting my stuff in my Locker
"So you are not going to decorate your locker"He said
"Yeah after school"i said and then the bell rang
"Catch you later bestie"he gave me a kiss in the cheek and left
There were the butterflies again.
"I was looking for my class of Reading but asked a girl to help me get there
"Hey do you now where this class is"i asked a girl
"Yeah I go there too want me to take you there"She said
"Yeah please"i said
"I'm Mia and you are?"she asked
"I'm Jessica I just moved here"i said
"Nice to meet you Jessica"she said as we walked into class
"Nice to meet you too Mia"i said
"Ok class go into your seats"the teacher said
"Oh look we have a new student"the teacher said as she sat down
"Take as seat next to Mia"the teacher said
"Ok"i said and sat down
"So let's start class"the teacher said and then started class
After a few more classes lunch time came
"Hey Jess"Og said
"Hey"i said
"So wanna sit with us"he said
"Sure"i said
We went to the lunch table and then all the boys showed up
"So what are we going to do today"Oscar said as he sat down
"I don't know what do you want to do"Omar said
"Since it is Friday who want to go party!!!!"Felix said
"Wait we can't I just got a text from Katia we have practice today"Omar said
"Ugh really ask her at what time are going to leave"Og said
"Who is Katia"i asked
"Oh she is my cousin"Omar said
"And our manager"Felix said as soon as he finished eating his hamburger
"Oh ok and why do you guys need to practice"i said as I was picking my food
"For out tour in the states"Og said
"A tour?"i asked confused
"yeah"Oscar said
"A tour in the states you mean America don't you"i said
"Yeah America"Felix said
"Why a tour"i asked again
"For our band"Omar said
"What band"i asked
"Our band hasn't Felix told you about it"Og said
"No"i said
"What you haven't told her yet"Oscar said
"Oh I forgot to tell her yesterday"Felix said as he stopped eating
"Forgot to tell me what?"i asked
"To tell you that we are band and are almost going in tour"Og said
"Oh ok"i said "and when are you exactly leaving"i said
"About November 3"Oscar said
"oh"i said as I began eating my salad
"And how long are you going to be gone"i asked
"About a month or two"Felix said
"Ok"i said "and where are you going to practice"i asked again
"At the studio"Omar said
"Ok"i said and the the ball rang and I had to go to Social Studies
"Let's go Jess"Omar said as he stood up
"Ok"i said stood up and get tho throw away my garbage and put my stuff in my locker an headed to computers with Omar
"Ok class take a seat"The teacher said as we walked in we sat down and Omar sat next to me
"Today I am going to be assigning you your partners for an assignment you have to turn in To me in a few weeks"the teacher said
"Ugh already homework"i said as I put my hands in my head
"She is going to give us partners"Omar said
"Ok so your partners are the ones in your rigth"the teacher said
"You see you are my partner"Omar said
"I know"i said I'm a tired voice
"Ok class so take out your notebooks to take notes for your assignment"the teacher said as she sat down in her desk
Ok so I don't know if Jessica should go on the tour with can you please comment down if she should go or not

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