The Date

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As soon as the movie finished we saw a couple of more movies and then went to sleep by 3:00 am
*Next Morning*
Omar's POV
October 16
As soon as I woke up I saw Jessica sleeping on my chest and the boys sleeping on the floor
"Wake up"I said to Jessica
She didn't wake up but then I decided to try and not wake her up and went upstairs to take a shower.
As soon as I came back they were still sleeping and it was already 12:42
"Wake up"i said no movement only the sound of the boys snoring
"Wake up"i shouted again
"What happened"Felix said as he tried to wake up
"Wake up......and you know we have practice today too"i said
"Ohh shit.......I forgot"he said as he stood up
"Go change practice is at 3:45"i said
"OK"he said
"Wake up Oscar "I told him
"Ok"he said an then woke him up and I woke up OG
"do I wake Jessica up"i said
"Depends do you want her to go to that date"Felix said and then left upstairs
"So do I just leave her here"i said
"If you want to"Oscar said
"I'll stay you guys go shower and change"i said as I sat down in the sofa
After a few minutes she woke up it was already 1:02
"Good morning"she said as he put her glasses on
"Good afternoon"i said
"Wait afternoon..........what time is it"she said as she stood up
"It is 1:03"I said as I grabbed my phone
"Oh ok"she said and then laid back down
"So what are you going to do today" I asked
"I don't know"she said and then got a call
"Who is this"she said as she stood up
"Oh oh it's you Michel" she said
"Yeah"she said
"Yeah ok see you there"she said and hung up
"So what do you want to do today"i asked again
"Apparently I forgot I had a meet up with a friend"she said
"Oh"i said
"What did you wanted to do"she asked
"Oh nothing nevermind"i said and then she left upstairs and I followed to the kitchen with Felix
"So you are done showering"i said as I walked in
"Yeah"he said
"Where is the rest"i asked
"They are still showering"he said
"Oh"i said and then got a message
"Oh look practice is cancelled"i said
"Great he don't have to practice our day off"Felix said
"I know right" I said
"So what do you want to do today"Felix asked
"Oh I have things planned"i said
"What"he asked
"Oh something's"i said
"Dude are you going to spy on my sister"he said
""i said
"Omar are you?"he asked giving me a death stare
"Yes ok but don't say anything"i said
"Don't worry me too I don't trust that guy he cheats on soccer"Felix said
"Trust who"Og said as he came
"Michel"i said
"What about him"OG said
"We are going to go spy on my sister and Michel"Felix said
"Weren't we going to practice"Og asked
"It got cancelled"i said
"Oh ok and can I stick with you guys"Og said
"Sure"Felix said
"How about Oscar what is he doing"OG said
"I don't know"I said
"What about me"Oscar said as he came from upstairs
"That what do you wan to do today Practice was cancelled"i said
"oh I don't know what are you guys doing"Oscar asked as he put on his shoes
"We are spying on Jessica and Michel"Og said
"Why"Oscar asked
"Because we can.......and I don't trust that guy"Felix said
"At what time is she coming back"Oscar asked
"I don't know"i said
"She is coming back at 6:15"Felix said
"How do you know"Oscar asked
"I will make her come"Felix said
"Okey?"i said
"Jessica re you ready"Felix shouted
"It is barely 1:15"she shouted
"Ok"i said
"So I have to get going I will be back at 3:45 so we can talk her"Oscar said
"Ok......and can you drop me off at home"I said
"Yeah me too"OG said
"Ok come let go"oscar said as he grabbed his keys and left
"Wait let me grab my stuff "I said and went downstairs with OG grabbed our stuff and left
Jessica's POV
As soon as I went upstair I took a shower and then started skyping with Cathy
"Guess what"she said
"What"i said
"Guess"she said
"Just tell me"i said
"I am moving to Sweden"she said
"You are kidding right"i said
"No I really am"she said
"Oh my god"i am so happy I said and then screamed
"What what happened"Felix said as he came running to my room
"Cathy is moving to Sweden"i said
"You are"he asked Cathy
"Yeah"she said
"How come"he asked not taking his eyes off the screen
"My dad got a job offer and he accepted it"She said not taking her eyes off Felix
"Oh my god I am so happy"i said
"Yeah me too"felix said not taking the eyes off the screen again
We talked for a few hours with her and then I had to say bye beacon se I had to get ready
"Well sis get ready to go"Felix said and then got out of the room
"What are you getting ready for" Cathy asked
"Oh I am meeting up with a friend"i said
"What friend"she asked
"Oh this boy named Michel I met him a few day ago"i said as I stood up and went to my closet
"And do you like Felix"i asked Cathy
"What make you think that"she asked
"I know you Cathy do you or do you not"i asked
"Ok I do"she said
"Want me to help you with him"i asked
"Ok"she said "but you better NOT tell anyone"she said in a serious voice
"I won't "I said as I got some clothes out of my closet
"So when are you going to start getting your stuff over here"I asked as I took out some boots out [outfit on top]
"Probably this week because my dad has to start working next week"she said
"What part are you going to move in"i asked
"Where you live and I am going to the same school as you too it is called Clinton Academy right "she asked
"Yeah I am so happy and call you later I have to shower and get ready"i said
"Ok bye"she said and Hung up
I took a shower did my hair changed and went downstairs it was already 3:37
"I am leaving Felix"i said as I approached the door
"Wait the boys and I are going to take you"Felix said as he came down the stairs
"When are they coming I have to go"i said
"They are going to be here in a few minutes"he said
"Well I am leaving bye"i said as I left out the door and started walking
After a few minutes I was already starting to get cold and I was only an few more blocks away then I heard car horn.i turned around and saw the boys in the car
"What do you want"i said as I stopped walking
"Get in well take you"Og shouted
"Ok"i said and walked in the car
"Aren't you guys cold"i said as I put my seatbelt on
"No"Oscar said
"Can you put the heater on"I asked
"Yeah"Oscar said as he turned it on
"It's cold"i said
"Here use my jacket"Omar said as he handed me his leather jacket
"Thanks"i said as I put it on
"You see Omar's nice and Michel didn't even wan to come for you"Felix said
"What I barely even know Michel and you want him to tell him where I live"i said
we were all quiet for a few minutes and then drove up to Starbucks
"Well thank you for the ride bye"i said "here you jacket Omar"i said as I handed him his jacket
"Use it"he said
"See you at 5"Felix said
"Ok thanks bye guys"I said and closed the door and walked into Starbucks
***In Starbucks***
"Hey"he said as he walked towards me
"Hi"i said
"Do you want something"he asked
"Sure"i said
"What do you want"he asked as he went to the cashier
"A medium hot chocolate"i said as I walked towards him
After he hit me a hot chocolate we sat down for a while
"So what things do you like to do"He asked
"Well I like a lot of thing I like to play volleyball I love dancing.......what so you like to do"i asked
"I like to play soccer and I dance too"he said as he drank some coffee
"So do you want to go somewhere"he asked me
"Where do you feel like going"i asked
"You want to go roller skating"he asked
"Oh my god no I don't know how"i said
"Cmon lets go I will show you"he said as he grabbed my hand
"Ok let's go"I said as I stood up and then we walked out
As we saw Jessica go we went to Panda Express which was across from Starbucks
"I don't like being here"Omar said
"What you want Michel to do something to Jessica"i said
"No"Omar said
"Then Stop complaining"Og said as he approached the cashier
"Sit over there and watch them"i told Omar pointing at the table by the window
" ok"Omar said and sat down on the table
"What do you want Felix"OG said
"Some spaghetti and orange chicken"i said as I sat down on the table
"Ok"OG said and then after a few minutes he came down to the table and we ate except Omar
"Where is Oscar"Og said as he sat down
"He is still in the car probably taking selfies"i said as I started eating the spaghetti
"Yep he is"Omar said as he was looking trough his phone
**a few minuets**
"Hey guys look they are getting out of Starbucks"OG said as he pointed out side
"Let's go"Omar said as he stood up
OG and I threw away our garbage quickly and went outside to catch up with Omar
"Hey where are you going"Oscar said as he got out of the car
"Get back in the car"We all said
"Ok ok I am going"oscar said and got back in the car
"Drive"Omar shouted
"Calm down"Oscar said
"Where are we going"Oscar said
"Follow Michel and Jessica"Og said
"Ok"oscar said and drove
"Where are they"Oscar said as we were coming out of Panda Express
"They did a turn on the corner"Omar said as he pointed out the window
"Ok I am going"Oscar said as he turned
"Where that go"i said as we turned
"They went in the roller rink"Omar said
"Let's go"Omar said as Oscar pulled up and opened the door
"Wait we just can't goi in there like whatever"Og said
"Then what do we do"Omar said as he closed the door
"We wait"Og said
"What we cant"Omar said
"Yeah he is right we don't know what can happen in there"i said agreeing with Omar
"I have a plan"Og said
"What is it"Oscar said
"Let's call foooers"OG said
"Why"I asked
"You will see"Og said and took out his phone
Jessica's POV
As we went in the roller rink we went to go rent our skates
"What size"The woman asked
"I will have 7 and what size are you Jessica?"Michel asked
"Oh 6"i said
After we got our Skates we got a table and sat down
"You want to roll already or you want some pizza"He asked as we sat down
"No thanks I am good"i said
"So put on you skates let's roll"He said as he started putting on his skates
"Do you know how to skate"I asked
"Yeah I have been knowing for a few years"he said
"Cool"I said and started Putting on my skates
"You wan to rent a locker so we can put our stuff"he asked as he finished putting on his skates
"Yeah........but I will rent it...."i said
"Ok"he said
comment some ideas that they can ask foooers to do.......I will pick one of the comments to do I need answers I can finish writing the next chapter
And sorry I haven't posted lately it's just that I have been busy with School and other stuff
I wil, try to post more often........
JESSICA ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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