Part 6

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We are within the tower and I am hiding underneath hearing the other above us talking to the headmaster

Dad aka Snape does a shhhh motion as he puts his finger to his lips to indicate me to be quiet

As he rushes up the stairs standing between Draco and Dumbledore

This is such an intense situation, like a dream come true but it just all feel so surreal

I rush up the stairs standing now between dad and Dumbledore

Dad tries to grab me but I build a barrier so that it was just only me and Dumbledore, no one else could get to us as they all bang on the bubble like wall trying to get to me

Dumbledore- he smiles knowing that the boy will come to his senses and join the light side again

"Thank you for saving me, my boy, you will never know how appreciated I am at this very moment"

Harry- I smirk "oh you think I am saving you right now?"

Dumbledore- he scrunched his face up on confusion "of course, isn't that what you are doing, my boy?"

Harry- "you know, you saying my boy, makes you sound exactly like the nounce you are, I am surpised the truth hasn't come out about how much of a nounce you are, well there was the rumours and the new article about it but everyone believes there just rumours but wait until everyone finds out the truth about you, they won't even care if you where murdered or not, well they will think you should of been punished like the other other I have sent to the Ministry that they were then sent to Azkaban but those who I have killed, deserved every second I tortured them until they painfully died"

Dumbledore- his eyes widen "so I was right you are the killer, I was right and wasn't insane but unfortunately now I am guessing, you are here like you promised to kill me"

Harry- my smirk widens, making me look absolutely insane at this moment in time

I create a fire ball between both of my hands

"So what will it be this ball or the killing curse, your chose Headmaster, quickly or very much a fall to your death"

Dumbledore- "you can't do the killing curse, Harry, your incapable of doing it, you might have it in your head that you are the killer but I know deep down you are too pathetic and weak to be the killer, even though you just admitted you was, you would of been found by now if you was the killer because you are so clueless to the world around you and could never pull off a kill even if you wanted to, you aren't the killer you worthless freak, so move aside and let me go, I will allow this foolishness pass my mind and pretend this didn't happen"

Harry- "nah because the death eaters who I helped get into this school will kill you, you will die tonight either way, by my hands, others or the dark lords, yes I joined the dark side, many months ago"

Dumbledore- "no this isn't the Harry I was creating you are supposed to defeat Voldemort or well I am, you where supposed to be weak, powerless, not be able to do much magic, when people would of realised you couldn't do magic as powerful as me and Voldemort, they would of happily and easily turned to me, like I had planned this whole time, I am to be the saviour of this magical world, not you, me"

Harry- "well sorry to tell you but I know you are dying already because of my dad telling me so here. Oh and he was giving you fake potions this whole time, so your death wasn't being slow or stopped but really it had been happening this whole time. Now I am getting bored, I am going to kill you so you don't destroy my life any longer, so you don't kill my future husband and the baby I am pregnant with" which I near gasps and then more panick behind me "this is your end, Dumbledore, any last words"

Dumbledore- "I hope that the world will punish you for everything you have done, and that they realise that their saviour was supposed to be me all along"

Harry- I hum and shrug before running and pushing but of the edge with not just my hands but put the fire ball against his chest seeing it burning a circle but a pattern in the middle as words of who killed him is printed out his skin as well as every crimes is draw on every part of his body, so people truly know what sort of person he has been all along

I feel people pulling me away from the edge as my feet were barely on the floor and I nearly feel with him

I am hugged with all of them, especially Draco now touching my stomach with a bright wide smile on his face, so I assume I am definitely keeping this baby after all

We all head down seeing all the students and Professors surrounding Dumbledore

We go through the crowd and look down at him

I hear people whispering about me, especially since they made the connects I am the killer



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