Part 2

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The Aurors didn't end up staying another week and left two days ago

I waited for everyone to go to sleep before getting out of bed, grabbing my invisibility cloak and putting it on

I walk out into the common room seeing the two prefects where there meaning I had to make sure they won't see the door/photo open as I enter through it

I sneak past and through the door when they weren't looking that way

I head towards the bathroom and say the password and head down

I walk past the Basilisk and say the next password with the mouth of the statue opening up with me walking through it

I go towards where I left Hermione noticing she is now definitely dead, as I assume she has been for four days now luckily nothing gross got to her

I get her heart which had already start going funny and put it into a jar which will conceal it freezing the decaying process and making it look alive and fresh again with it still beating

I grab her body out of the room, up the stairs that I found out after the second try down here by just saying stairs in Parseltongue

I take her to the great hall and sit her in the headmaster chair where she will obviously stay until someone goes down for breakfast, probably usually a professor

I head back to my common room with knowing that I was now in the clear as the prefects should of gone to bed by now

I lay in my bed and easily fall asleep without any trouble at all


I get shaken away to see Seamus hovering over me

Making me wonder what's going on, as I sit up seeing tbe other boys hadn't gotten dressed yet and still within their pyjamas

"Whats going on?"

Seamus- "Professor Flitwick found Hermiones body sitting in the headmaster chair. School for everyone is cancelled for today. Luckily they aren't bothering questioning people this time round as they won't still find out who it is, so we get to stay here in the common room all week, instead if two days this time round"

Neville- he waves a sheet of paper where their names of in and what they want for breakfast "we put your name down and we know your typical Wednesday breakfast with it being Pancakes with syrup with whip cream and a bowl of strawberries, so don't worry with not getting breakfast this time round like when you overslept last time this happened"

Harry- "was worth the long sleep without waking up to breakfast but luckily was only three hours until lunch, so I was more than fine with it. If Ron was here not only he would over sleep but he would complain straight away about not having any breakfast and that's all we would hear until lunch"

Seamus- "to be honest it's been alot quieter without the three of them, especially with Ron always whining about something whenever he is going to bed or when he wakes up, he just never would shut up"

Dean- "same with his sister, she was a right whining bitch, can't believe I went out on a few dates with her last year before I called it off after she tried to have sex with me, luckily she didn't force me like her other siblings, I guess I was one of the ones that got away unlike the others. Sorry Harry"

Harry- "it's alright. Plus Dumbledore is trying to say sorry and get the students go have free therapy, it starts this Saturday. I don't have a choice in going really, none of us do. We all got a talking too yesterday by Dumbledore about it. He even threatened me by sending me back to the Dursley's, the other got threatened that their parents will be sent to Azkaban if they don't go, all because their parents took the hush money which could get them in trouble"

Seamus- "man this world is a sick world, those who want to control us say crime isn't good, yet they all commit it themselves either way. Wish there was someone who would take control and actually mean it"

Harry- "Voldemort would"

Seamus- "wait what!? No he would he is a criminal himself and he would kill us all"

Harry- I shake my head "no he won't. What he has done in the past is rumours anyway. Voldemort wanted to work with the Ministry but Dumbledore wouldn't allow him to do that saying he has the right position for him within Hogwarts as the defence against the art Professor. He took it but he learned later on Dumbledore could of taken him out of the orphanage who where abusing and neglecting him all because he was different from the other. His only friend was a snake which he learned he could easily speak too, said snake became his best friend for life and he now takes good care of her more than he does anyone else. The said snake was once a women with a curse on her, she was born with the curse, I don't know why probably something to do with the family did something wrong I bet. Well she eventually couldn't become human anymore and was trapped in her snake form, she had to survive on her one until young Voldemort came along. Well we both planned to rule the world for good one day. That they would allow all the subjects even the dark arts be taught again which did exist until Dumbledore didn't hire anyone for the positions, so really by law the classes still exist, he just refuses to hire or allow them to be taught here. Anyway Voldemort finds out the truth he could of been free from the orphanage from the very start he started Hogwarts especially since his mother was a Gaunt and at the time His mother parents where still alive. He plans to make equal rights for creatures, allow them to work and have a roof over their heads instead of being rejected by society and having to survive until they either die from hunger or worse murder for what they are. There's so many more rules that he wishes in place but they are good for us and those who are less fortunate"

Seamus- "then why has he been created out to be the bad guy?"

Harry- "because unfortunately when he was in school he killed a young school girl, well the Bailiski killed her when he opened the chamber of secrets. Yes I won't lie he hasn't done good in the past but neither has Dumbledore or anyone else who is leading this world, but out of all of them, he actually cares for us, Dumbledore doesn't, he cares for himself and himself only"

Dean- "don't tell me you are now a follower to Voldemort?"

Harry- "and don't tell me you didn't bet on who to have killed or tortured next? But no I ain't a follower, I would rather be a leader myself, if it means being by his side then so be it. After all I couldn't be a leader, I too have committed crimes I won't admit, not as bad as them all but I had to committed crimes to survive especially from living with the Dursley's"



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