Part 2

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Dumbledore- "we need to find Hermione Granger as she now has gone missing. Can everyone tell me where they were last night at the hours of Granger going missing as she had as we assume gone missing between 8-10 o'clock as no one had seen her since 8, so we believe that's around the time she either went missing or much later on" he says looking at the four head of houses

Mcgonagall- "I was within my office until 10 o'clock, when I checked with the prefects who both said everyone was in bed by 9:30. I then went to bed myself after that"

Sprout- "same here, the students where in bed by 9:30 some much earlier than that especially the first years as the little ones where tried. None of my students would be capable of such acts especially kidnapping and murding, so you should be ruling me and my students out every time"

Severus- "my students where in bed by 9, some between 8-9 as they like to get up early to go to get ready and go to the great hall before it gets too crowded and noisy, as majority of them like a peaceful breakfast as to why when half way through breakfast more than half of my Slytherins have exited the great hall. I was in detention with Harry Potter until 9:30. I walked him to his common room, so he wouldn't get into trouble with the prefects or any of the other Professor or the grounds keeper. I went straight to bed after that, after having a good piece of cake aka my guilty sweet tooth treat"

Flitwick- "basically the same story as Minerva here, bed by 9:30 with the Prefect checking and then me bed after that"

Dumbledore- he sighs "then it can't be a students nor is a professor because everyone especially your fours stories all rule out anything to do with Ron Weasley and now Hermione Granger going missing, there must be someone hiding within these walls, that seems like the right connection seeing as it hasn't been anyone else's fault of any of these two problems. Now you may go and carry on with you day, unfortunately I can't stop classes again as students will be behind lessons especially the sixth and seventh years, they need to learn for their mocks and for the actual exams, can't be delaying their education anymore even if their is unfortunately another murder happening. I will have to contact the Ministry as need protection within these wall, atleast they can keep a look out for a week or two, to keep the school safe as I know people at the Ministry have other jobs to do"


Harry- I head to Breakfast, I sit down and hear people whispering. I turn to Neville wondering what the hell is going on

"Whats going on? What's got everyone so gossipy today?"

Neville- he points towards the aurors who are standing behind the Professors at the head table "not only will there be aurors helping out to keep the students and professor at hogwarts safe but Granger has gone missing, let me guess something to do with you?" He whispers the last part to him

Harry- I lean forward whispering in his ear "yes, I got her following me last night, she accused me and I could have her going around accusing me now, can I? Especially seeing as everyone will be pointing to fingers to who ever someone blames, so took her to where I took Ron" I then lean back seeing a few looking at us "what I am making a deal with the plant loads, can't someone have something that will relax them from this stressful situation because for all I know, I could be next" which got them to look away before I turn to Neville "but seriously, can I have some stuff, will pay full price, if not more"

Neville- "I know the exact type of plant joint that will certainly relax you psychotic mind but won't allow you to blurt out your secrets, just will be blurting out other people's secrets"

Harry- "I will take it. Still 10 Galleons or is it now higher?"

Neville- "I have experimented on it more, to make it more better and stronger for my clients but for you 10 galleons as you are not just doing yourself a good helping to mentally and emotionally but you are helping alot of use who they have caused harm too, yeah I wouldn't 100% agree with the way you have been going but atleast they have gone, even though it ain't ain't Azkaban punishment"

Harry- "I told you no discounts"

Neville- "it's on me as a thank you. Usually 20 galleons seeing as I usually give people twenty pre-rolled joints, aka a galleon each, but you have done something good for us, you deserve a reward my friend"

Harry- I smile "thank you Neville, your the best"

Neville- "just don't go telling other people, don't want anyone else finding out I am giving out discounts"

Harry- "I promise I wont"



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