Chapter Eight

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Over the next couple of months, Bessie grew accustomed to life at the court of King Henry of England. As a maid of honour to Queen Katherine, she was kept busy in her daily and weekly duties: serving the Queen within her bedchamber, sewing with the other maids of honour, and partaking in the extensive court revelries that the King loved so much.

Bessie respected Queen Katherine highly. Whilst Anne often poked fun at their mistress when they were in their private room, mocking the Queen's 'boring nature' and piety, Bessie believed that the Queen was dignified, kind and strong. Especially given the way she dealt with Henry's frequent outbursts and the court rumours that she was subject to. Indeed, the current gossip was that she could no longer conceive an heir for England, as her last pregnancy had ended in a stillbirth around four years ago, despite Henry still visiting her bed.

"I do not know why she does not just step aside, so the King can marry again, and beget a male heir," Anne remarked one night, as Bessie was helping to brush her dark hair.

"Because she is his wife, Anne, and the anointed Queen. The Pope would never allow the King to annul his marriage, especially after a dispensation was issued to allow them to marry in the first place," Bessie replied.

"The King is fully under the Pope's thumb. I do wonder why he cannot make such a crucial decision in his own country," Anne scoffed.

Bessie did not reply as she finished brushing Anne's hair. She moved to put the silver brush in their chest of drawers.

"Bess?" Anne asked, standing from the vanity table.

"Anne you speak of matters of heresy, you must be careful with what you say," Bessie said, looking concerned.

Anne rolled her eyes. "It is the truth; all the new books are saying the same things about the corrupt nature of the church."

"Just be careful what you say around others, Anne. Wolsey has spies everywhere to flag heretical speech at court," Bessie said.

Later on that night, in the comfort of her quilt and Anne sleeping soundly on the bed next to her, Bessie reflected on Anne's comments. It was becoming more frequent that Anne would remark on the matters of the Church, and her desire to see reform. Bessie did not entirely disagree with Anne, but she was worried about her friend's outspoken nature, and her hidden collection of banned books that could be found under a floorboard in their room. For heresy was deemed a serious offence at the court of Henry VIII.


The next morning, Bessie was sat on a stool by the Queen, conversing in Spanish with her mistress. Bessie was one of few women in the Queen's household that could speak Spanish, saving women such as Maria de Salinas, who had first accompanied the Queen to England. Whilst she was not as knowledgeable on matters such as humanism and theology, which Anne enjoyed greatly, languages were something in which Bessie excelled. Indeed, she was fluent in French, Spanish and Latin, and could speak basic Greek and Italian.

"It is so pleasing to hear my old language spoken so well, Bessie," the Queen said, smiling at Bessie.

"Thank you, your grace, I will continue to practice for your sake," Bessie replied with a curtesy, and went to join the other maids of honour.

She knew she was gaining a reputation as one of the Queen's favourites, but that did not bother her, for it was a positive advantage to have the Queen's support.

As she picked up the small tapestry that she was sewing, she heard a commotion in the corridors. Suddenly, the King and his men burst into the Queen's rooms. King Henry frequented the Queen's chambers often, for he liked to converse with his wife, as well as flirt with all her ladies.

Henry's men all dispersed around the room, looking to capture the interest of any willing ladies. Bessie could see Anne playing the lute in the corner of the room, acting coy and uninterested in the men. Henry's attention fell on her, but Anne excused herself to the Queen and quickly left the room. It was becoming a pattern that Bessie had noticed, and it was working, for the King was known to thrive in the chasing of women. Instead of offending him, it only enticed him more.

"Bessie," the King greeted, as he walked past her to greet the Queen. His eyes travelled over her before moving on.

"Your Majesty," Bessie smiled and inclined her head.

Bessie's interactions with the King, on the other hand, were increasing. He often came and conversed with her, but he also flirted with her by whispering in her ear or complimenting her appearance. A couple of days ago, the King had even gifted Bessie with a beautiful gold bracelet. Bess was unsure as to the meaning of the King's attentions on her, but she had no intention of leading him on in a merry dance the way Anne was. She knew he was a womaniser and enjoyed lavishing attention on the Queen's ladies, and she hoped, in a strange way, that they had formed a sort of friendship with each other.

Bessie looked around the room at the gentlemen that had accompanied the King. Charles Brandon, Henry Norris and other familiar faces were in the room. But Bessie still could not see the face she desired to see so much. Indeed, a noticeable absence at court was Edward. In fact, Bessie had only seen him once seen the Chateau Vert Pageant, which had taken place three months ago. She had been walking to mass behind the Queen a few weeks ago when she had passed him in a corridor whilst he was speaking to an older gentleman. They had locked eyes for a moment, but the occasion meant they could not share conversation.

This evening, however, Bessie had hope. For there was to be a grand masked ball at the palace, with many nobles from all over the country in attendance.


A/N- A shorter chapter today. Thank you to any readers of this story, please comment if you are enjoying it

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