15. Chasing Him

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"Beam, are you okay?" Kit asked while touching Beam's shoulder. "You haven't talked much these two days." 

Beam closed his suitcase which he had not finished putting together. A t-shirt sleeve came out and was caught, as did a pair of shorts. 

He sat on the bed and looked at Kit with a gloomy face. "Kit, tell me, why do you want to be friends with me?"  Beam asked in a low tone. 

"Huh?" Kit looked confused. "Because you're nice?" 

"Damn, Kitty, that's so cliche!" Beam chided in annoyance. 

Kit sighed then got up from the floor, leaving his suitcase open. He sat next to Beam on the bed. 

"Beam, in my life, after I started school, I was always bullied. They said I looked like a girl because my body was small and my dimples were very deep. I was always sad and felt isolated, until one day a child started sitting next to me. He didn't never said anything, only read comics while eating lollipops. I was awkward and just hoped he would stay away from me because he might get bullied if he was near me. However, one day, when three older children were bullying me again, he stood up from  his chair and calmly beat them with just the comic book he was reading, then because I was crying, he gave me a lollipop from his mouth," said Kit at length. 

Beam laughed at Kit's words. "That was when we met, right? You were so cute then, almost like a baby hamster." 

"Yes. Since then you have always looked after me and not long after that, one of the children who bullied me apologized and said that he would look after us as proof that he was actually a good child, only carried away by his two friends," said Kit while laughing a little. 

"Phana," said Beam lightly. 

"Yes. You are a brave child, Beam. You never hesitate in doing what you think is right and never give up. You are also lonely, but you always cheer me up. You are also in pain, but you always make me laugh. You are not only kind, you have a Big heart, and loyal, but you never act fake. Likewise, Phana, even though his talkativeness often makes me want to tape his mouth every now and then," said Kit with a smile.

Beam also smiled and hugged Kit's shoulder. "Thank you, Kitty."

"What do you think?" Kit asked. "Say, does this have anything to do with Phi Forth? You already looked different when Phi Forth left and we heard stories about it from Ming and Phi Park." 

Beam sighed. He considered whether it was appropriate to tell what previously happened between him and Forth last time before Forth left. 

"I just feel sorry for myself," Beam answered quietly. "I feel sorry for myself who always harbors anger because of the situation I face. In fact, I think what Phi Forth experienced was much more tragic than mine." 

"You mean, about Wayo's twin sister?" 

"Yes. I can't imagine what Phi Forth went through for three months in his kidnapper hold, to save the twins. Then, what he felt was when the twins died after he endured all the suffering to keep them alive. He lost what he saved." 

"Yes, Beam. I admire Phi Forth after hearing his story. He is a person who doesn't hesitate to make sacrifices and do anything for the people he loves. Whoever becomes his lover is a very lucky person." 

"I thought, after my parents divorced, they left me with my grandmother, then my grandmother died, it was a huge tragedy of loss. But, Phi Forth lost the person he previously saved, as soon as he came back. He must have suffered a lot, wish he hadn't gone back so the twins stay safe."

"Hmm, well, he had to be treated many times, which means that this incident really bothered him. I hope that one day he will become the boyfriend of someone who is caring, loves him with all the heart, and is loyal to him." 

Beam complained in his heart. He couldn't get rid of the image of the moment he rejected Forth with his cruel and cold words. 

Park and Lam told Beam, Kit, and Phana two days ago, that Forth had returned first because he had to take care of opening a branch of his new company in Brazil. 

Forth left first and didn't say anything to the others because he didn't want to make everyone lose their playing time.  Even so, it was his secretary who contacted Lam two days after he left. 

However, Beam felt guilty and thought it was because of him that Forth just left.

Kit patted Beam's shoulder lightly. "I was happy when they said he left because he was busy, even though Phi Lam looked annoyed because the news came from Phi Forth's secretary. I think he was really busy so he didn't have time to tell me." 

"Hm, I think so too," said Beam lying. 

He still believed that Forth left because he was offended by him and therefore Beam became very restless. 

"Come on, Beam, keep packing your suitcase. We'll leave early tomorrow and not leave anything behind here." 

"Kit, I need to call my mother for a moment, who knows, she might be online and can take my call." 

"Okay, Beam. I'll help you with your suitcase after I'm done with mine." 

Beam left the Kit and left the room.  He walked to the park behind the hotel and called his mother. 

"Hello, Beam?" said his mother cheerfully. "I was just about to call you. How was your vacation? Are you still in Malibu?" 

"Hi, mom, my hunch was right. You're online. I'm fine, mom and had a nice holiday." 

"So, you've met Elena, right? How about it? Do you two get along well?"

"Elena and I are fine, but mom, there is something you need to know. Elena is not here with me and we have also agreed not to get engaged," said Beam firmly. 

His mother heard her gasp. "What? Why Beam? And why isn't Elena with you?" 

"I don't know. Maybe she's on holiday with her boyfriend in another part of the world. I promised her I wouldn't say where ahe was." 

"Beam, don't be kidding. Why don't you want to bond with Elena?" 

"Because I've fallen in love with someone else and I won't let it go." 

"Hey, don't make things up, Beam, this will ruin the deal with Elena's parents!" 

"It's none of my business and I don't care. I called just to say that tomorrow morning I will look for the man I love." 

"Beam! You confuse me! You said ... you love a man? Did you say something wrong?" 

"No, mom. You heard it clearly. I love a man and this is my first love, which I will defend." 


"Yeah, maybe, I don't know and I don't care, actually I can be anything for him. Bye, mom!"

Beam returned to his room with a radiant face.  Phana was in the room with Kit, sitting on Kit's overly full suitcase. 

"Guys, cancel my tickets for tomorrow. I have other destinations and it looks like we have to separate tomorrow," said Beam. 

Phana and Kit looked at Beam in confusion. "Where are you going, Beam?"  Kit asked. 



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