Black Mask Round Two

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( The next day, all but one of the autobots were conversing with their human allies as to who the mysterious Catgirl was and why a Gotham-related hero was in Jasper Nevada. Arcee however, was sitting on the roof of the base. Contemplating what she had heard Catgirl say before she left with Cheshire)

" Was that really you Kat, if it was. Then what exactly are you doing here and why are you working with Cheshire? What exactly is your game here and why haven't you tried to contact us? Are you still hung up over what happened between us? ( Thinks for a second). Well in that regard,  you aren't the only one. I myself am still up over it. I've been trying to find a way to express how sorry I am for the argument we had. I feel angry at myself for not seeing things from your side.  But soon, I'll make it up to you. I promise." Said Arcee as she headed back inside the base where She found Fowler talking to everyone else.

"  I came to let you all know, that we found the reason as to why Chesire and that Catgirl as you called her are here. But they're not the only ones. Recently, we found a recorded video of  Artemis and the female Nighting destroying a warehouse two hundred and fifty miles from where you were all captured.  The interesting was, that those two were fighting what seemed to be men in black masks. Which means that  Silas's benefactor for the weapons we found, where from  Black Mask." Said  Fowler.  " A Gotham criminal is here in Gotham so a group of Gotham vigilantes/heroes is here to stop him. That makes sense." Said Bumblebee.  " Yes, but here's the thing. My boss doesn't want said vigilantes to handle a criminal in our territory.  He has asked that take care of the situation ourselves.  Especially since that bug got away yesterday. We've already zeroed in on a  location as to where she and Black mak will be. Me and some of my boys will meet you there." Said Fowler as he sent the coordinates to Ratchet's terminal and then left the main lobby.

" Hold on a second,  if the female Nightwing is here in town. Then that means so is Dark Wing,  yes. I can finally ask her for an autograph. " Said  Miko. " Black Mask is here and you want an autograph from  Dark Wing? Asked Strongarm. " She was the one that put him behind bars as her first criminal takedown in Gotham back when she was still going by Batgirl." Said  Miko. Fair enough, but that means that they know where he is as well." SSaid  Strongarm. " Arcee, Strongarm, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Bulkhead you're with me. Ratchet activate the ground bridge." Said  Optimus as he, Arcee, Strongarm, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and Bulkhead. Transformed and then drove through the groundbridge once Ratchet activated it.

( Two hours later after arriving at the location. Optimus and his team rodevued with Fowler as his team. Once that was done. The two groups looked at a warehouse where multiple armored vehicles and goones with black masks carrying  heavy artillery walked/drove around the warehouse)

" This is insane, what does he plan to do with all this?" Asked Bulkhead. I think he's collecting them to take back to Gotham. There is a war still going on between the Vigilantes and the GCPD against the criminals of Gotham. Dark Wing and her group did help the GCPD gain more ground in the fight. More of the criminals that were terrorizing the people are back at Arkham." Said  Bumblebee. " Which means that he's gearing up to make a move. I will not allow him to possibly endanger my partner. ( Looks up at the roof to see Dark Wing, Chesire, Artemis, and Nightwing on the rooftop but then notices the Autobot neckless around Dark Wing's neck). Kat, is that you? " Said  Arcee in surprise. " ( Looks at where Arcee was looking and then uses the matrix to call out to the key to Vector Sigma. Which causes Dark Wing to look in their direction before jumping through the roof window). Agent Fowler, it would be best if we pressed our attack now while we still have the element of surprise." Said Optimus. " I hear ya Prime,  my boys and I will focus on the grunts. Your team can handle the armored vehicles." Said Fowler as he and his men attacked the Black mask thugs. 

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