Shift to the Cat

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( It has been a week since Dark Wing's group took down Scarecrow and Killer Croc. Since then,  the city of Gotham has begun to see less and less crime in the city. Currently, Kat is hanging out with Chesire, Artemis, Black Canary, and Catwoman. The three of them were currently jumping from rooftop to rooftop in an effort to reach a museum. That was said to have received a shipment from the same truck that had brought the two gems to the museum in Dakota)

" So, how much you guys want to beat that we're not the only ones that are headed to the museum?" Asked  Dark Wing. " Well, due to what we learned yesterday. It would stand to reason that there was more than one magical artifact. That was transported in the same truck that brought those gems to Dakota. So I wouldn't put it past someone to look into what the museum has in store." Said  Catwoman as they reached the museum. " ( Looks around and then spots Silhouette, Pink X, Harley Quinn, and Crimson breaking into the museum and then points to them). We're not the only ones interested in what's inside the museum. " Said Artemis. " Dark Wing,  You'll go find whatever artifact is so special. We'll deal with the others." Said  Chesire as they all quickly ran toward the museum and then jumped inside before quietly walking through the museum hallways.

( With  Harly Quinn)

" So what exactly are we looking for in here Silhouette, you never really explained what we're looking for." Said Harley. " ( Takes out a stone that was glowing every thirty seconds). There is a cat statue that houses a powerful gem inside. With it, we will be able to amplify Belladona's plan tenfold. " Said Silhouette. " ( Dropps down in front of Silhouette's group, with  Chesire, Artemis, and Black Canary doing the same thing). Sorry Silhouette,  but we can't let you do that." Said  Catwoman. " Che, annoying pest. ( Signals for a squad of ninjas to come to her and then tosses  Harley the stone to Harley). Find the statue and bring it to me." Said Silhouette as she, Crimson, Pink X, and the squad of ninjas attacked Catwoman, Chesire, Artemis, and Black Canary. " You got it,  Leave it to me." Said  Harly as she ran off while using the stone as a makeshift compass.

( Over with Dark Wing)

" ( Listens to the sound of fighting). Looks like mom's group has found Silhouette and her possy. time to see what they came here looking for. ( Walks through the halls of the museum, before suddenly feeling a tug coming from the hallway to her left).  What is this feeling? It's like something's telling me to go that way. ( Follows the tug and then spots Harley in front of two cat statues). That must be what they are after. ( Feels the tug coming from the statue). There's that pull again. It must be coming from the statue." Said  Dark Wing as she threw a Baterang at Harley which smacked Harley's left hand away from one of the statues. " ( Looks at where the baterang came from to see Dark Wing). I was wondering where you were." Said Harley. " Step away from the statue Harley, it's staying here." Said Dark Wing. " Says who sweaty, the girl who left her home to rot, or the clown who's just trying to survive what Belladona has planned. You left on your little city trip and made a name for yourself,  but you never came back. It took the city in almost ruins to bring you back. I don't even think you can beat Belladona now." Said Htley as she swong her mallet at Dark Wing. 

" You don't know that and yes I should have come back sooner. But leaving Gotham was my way of training myself and my team for stuff like this. Add in the fact that we fought Belladona over there as well. You get a group of people that can take her down." Said  Darkwing as she dodged Harley's mallet. " Oh yeah, well then how come you didn't chase after her when she left Dakota? Surely you would have been able to prevent all this. ( Looks at the two cat statues and then smiles). Before she turned this place into a war zone." Said Harley as she smacked the two cat statues with her mallet and sent them flying at Dark Wing. " ( Looks at the two cat statues as they fly at her but then watches as both of their eyes quickly flash as the sound of a cat Meowing loudly is heard. Before ducking to dodge the two states). What the heck was that? ( Tuns toward  Harley only to instinctively lean her body all the way back till her head touches the ground in order to dodge Harley's mallet. Before performing a handstand and then kicking Harley in the back of the head which knocked her down). Wo, that was a close one." Said  Dark Wing as she quickly stood back up. " ( Shakes her head and then quickly gets back onto her feet and turns toward Dark Wing). Did you just bend all the way back? Your mother can barely even do that. How is it possible that you did it fluently? Only I can do something like that,  so how can you? Asked Harley as she dropped her mallet and ran at Dark Wing.

Daughter of the Bat and the Cat: Rise Of Dark WingWhere stories live. Discover now