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"Please! Stay with me," I plead while he urges himself to leave me, I'm feeling a bit sour and bitter on the inside.

Blurry face with white pale skin, dark aura, and his gestures. With his bulky and massive appearance. I'm scared.

I was sobbing endlessly crying and felt like dying.

My dreams keep hunting me from the inside like, of all that happened, why it's still him? Why? Why I still want to keep on begging him not to let me go?

Thoughts were swirling in my head, making me feel uneasy, All my thoughts couldn't stop coming I felt a bit weird on the inside just like everybody else's when they have creepy dreams.

I kept pleading him not to go, but everything around me seemed weird like reality and dreams were getting mixed up.

The room felt strange, and it was as if he was fading away into the darkness.

Confused and scared, I asked him, why. The room got colder, and a mysterious wind whispered strange things. He turned to me with mysterious eyes and warned me that time was running out.

I started to realize that my dreams weren't just random they held clues about something important.

He seemed to hold the answers, but the more I tried to understand, the more complicated it all became.

The dream changed, and I found myself on the edge of something unknown.

Memories flashed in my mind blurry places, happy faces, and forgotten stories. He offered his hand, telling me to embrace my destiny and just to be happy.

With uncertainty, I reached out, knowing that the answers I needed were on the other side, hidden in the past I had forgotten

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