ੈꨄ︎˳{16} 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫

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Y/n's pov

I was shocked.. Shocked and scared..

And just as i begun stepping back, Scaramouche put his arm behind my back to stop me.

"You read about him too, didn't you? So you know a thing or two. That's good, at least i don't have to explain." Scaramouche said and smirked, still holding his arm behing my back.

Though i kept trying to step back so he roughly pushed me to The Doctor which made me stumble and almost fall.

I managed to keep my balance though, but only to be met with The Doctor's face. Well.. half of his face to be exact.. because he had a mask..

He leaned closer to my face as if examining it while I was completely frozen in fear.

As he tried to reach his hand to me i slightly flinched away out of reflex. Due to that he pulled his hand back and straightened, his gaze on Scaramouche.

"Due to her reaction i suppose you never told her about becoming a test subject did you, Scaramouche..." The Doctor said coldly especially Scaramouche's name.

'Test subject!?...'

I looked down on the ground listening to their conversation and overthinking everything.

"First of all she's not your test subject Dottore, we made a deal. You will only find a way how make her listen to my every order and in exchamge i will spent more time here in lab. And yes, i did not tell her about this before." Scaramouche replied in annoyed tone.

The Doctor left out small hummed chuckle and spoke again. "I know, but it's easier to just call her a test subject like the others."

I looked over my shoulder to meet Scaramouche's annoyed glare. Right now i wished i could stay in that cold room, having to go through his torture, it for sure would better than what's going to happen here.

"Whatever, just do your part of the deal.." As Scaramouche said that he turned around, ready to leave.

And when he was about to leave i also turned around wanting to run to him, but The Doctor grabbed my forearm tightly to prevent me from doing so.

Since i couldn't run after him i just shouted. "Scaramouche!" Tears forming in my eyes in fear as i quietly added. "Please..." But he ignored everything, not even a single flinch.. He just left..

The Doctor didn't say or do anything for a while, just kept holding my forearm. As if waiting for me to calm down which i eventually slightly did.

When he noticed me finally being again just hopeless and full of fear. He released my hand and walked around to stand in front of me, the door behind his back.

"You already know a thing or two about me, am i corect?..." He said coldly, but not that cold as he was to Scaramouche.

I slowly nod while watching the ground the entire time.

"Did he tell you?.. Or did you somehow find out yourself?.." As he said that he crossed his arms and i could feel him glare right on me.

"He gave me a book... about the fatui.." I answered him and he quietly chuckled again.

"Impresive, he always finds a way how to break the rules. Well enough talking.. We have a work to do." As he finished speaking he turned me around and led me to table on the other side of room.

Then he signalized for me to sit on the table and without any protest i did.

I just sat there silently trembling and looking down before he grabbed my chin, turning my head up to him.

"One more thing.. Will you cooperate, or not?" He asked coldly.

'How exactly does he mean that...'

It was silent for a long time and he eventually lost patience, let go of me and reached for something.

"What i mean is, if for example i was about to use this scalpel to cut your chest open.." He said calmly and put the scalpel just few inches from my chest. "Would you let me or not?"

I slightly flinched when he moved the scalpel even closer.

Seeing that, he put the scalpel away and spoke in kind of dissapointed tone. "I see. That's a shame."

He then grabbed my wrist and forced me to lay down. Tying my wrist to the table, he then did the same with my other wrist too.

He walked away, leaving me here hopelessly in fear of what's he going to do.

After a while though he came back with a syringe filled with something. My eyes widened when i noticed the syringe, but he only smirked.

"I would recommend you to not move. Or it might just become more painful." He said still with a smirk, moving my head to a side and begun injecting me with whatever was in that syringe.

When he pulled the syringe out i turned my head back to him, watching him as my eyelids started feeling heavy.

'It must have been sedatives...'


For some reason though the sedatives did not put me fully in sleep. I was still able to slightly keep my eyes open even if just a bit and was able to realize what was happening.

3rd pov

As the girl laid hopelessly on the table not able to fight back in any way. The Doctor got into the work, moving her clothes out of the way he then grabbed the scalpel once again and begun cutting her chest open.

While doing so, the girl slightly moved with her hands indicating that even after being injected with sedatives she could still feel a slight pain from it.

The Doctor stopped for a while and just watched her. "You feel the pain even after the sedatives... much less but you still do... And you didn't even fall asleep from them... That's odd..." He said sounding confused and curious at the same time.

"Every normal human being would be already deep asleep at this point." He added.

"But you..."

"Are no normal human being..."

"Aren't you.."

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽𝙰/𝙽☽.* :☆゚. ─────

1015 WORDS >:3

Sooo... Uhhh.. I left you waiting for kinda a long time again- Sorry about that-
Anywayyyyy.. I dunno what else to say..

Though reading your comments is sometimes pretty fun tbh :33

Arceechiru <3

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽𝙰/𝙽☽.* :☆゚. ─────

⊲𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠⊳ {Scaramouche/Wanderer x Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now