Chapter nine

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It's been a long night time kept ticking by so slowly and I still had so many stacks of papers to read and grade. My glass of bourbon lay beside me, watching the ice dance around the only thing that popped into my head was jade. She had this beautiful light about her an a amazing way of looking at life, she was stunning, smart and all I wanted to do was make her mine permanently. Toxic I know but being away from her is like having a burning hot poker stuck to me. Her face is burned into my brain and i study it fully every chance I get like she was gone slip away from me any givin moment. Her eyes were this captivating shade of green her lips are pouty and pink even red but only after I get my hands on her, her curves are thick and smooth. She has the most natural untouched blonde hair that falls in long thick waves along with dimples that shows up when she decides to smile. I will make her my wife even if she keeps denying her true feelings towards me, I know the risk but I don't care I would lay my life on the line for her happiness. She's been missing from my class and I was a class A jackass towards her when all she did was ask for a honest grade with no extra credit's if you know what I mean. Originally the plan was to stay under the grid as much as I could and not bring any unwanted attention my way. I was starting over making a new for myself I owed it to my past and my present self, my life wasn't exactly what you'd call perfect it was messy and some what dangerous. I did the job no one else would show up and do. Just knowing that I knew I had to run I knew I had to pick up different skills and I also knew I could never go back. Stopping my train of thought I moved onto the next paper; at the top ready jade McKenzie layne. God even her hand writing was perfect. It's printed just as neat as it can get that's rare now a days, reading a little further down the print said "what makes a killer"! Feeling my eyes furrow I wondered what possessed her to want to write a paper like this. The first page had my full attention!

What makes a killer.
Jade McKenzie Layne.
Do you know how easy it is to spot a murder? Just look into their eyes, they should be void along with the sclera should not connect with the lower lid. There will be a gap and you'll be in the presence of a potential murder!

Shocked I found myself flipping through more and more pages of facts of details and similar backgrounds that line up perfectly. What the hell got into this girl?

Backgrounds and storylines

If you pay just enough attention you would know that someone's story can tell you a lot about what kind of person they are. Like did you know that someone who comes from a broken home or abuse has a nine out of ten chance of violence?

Her paper is a little to well laid out and the more that I read the more I get concerned. Why did she choose this topic why does it line up so perfectly with the time of the killings?

Blood lust!

Everyone has a little voice inside their head that warns them of danger and keeps them form doing wreck-less things. But the mind of a killer is the complete opposite, there's is silence, there's tell them to do these bad things just so they can feel a tiny pinch of normalcy. Sometimes they can get so caught up in it that it produces serotonin, thus comes the blood lust!

Closing the folder I stop to take a breather. Taking a pause wondering if the sweet girl that I think I know we'll might have a dark side. Then I felt my phone vibrate pulling it out of my pocket I see jades name flash right in my face. Answering it I said "darling what's wrong it's so late"

Yes I'll take things to the next level with you, we'll confess our love and relationship to the bored and be able to live our life's out in the light together.

I was so taken back by her forwardness that I had to take a moment to make sure I read her message the right way.

Where are you angel?
My parents place.
You hang tight I'll be right over
Hey Felix?
Yes baby?
Austin died. Whoever has been killing people got to him.
Oh baby, I'll be there in a few seconds and you can tell me all about it.

I took no time in hopping in my car, I didn't even care about how half dressed I was all I knew is I got my answer and I wasn't gone waist another minute not being in the arms of the women I love. But some how my mind kept racing back to her paper I have so many different questions. Like was it her first pick was it something she felt passionately about? But most of all why was she so on point with the topic at hand? I'd have to fill in the blanks later.

Pulling into her drive way I hopped out of my car while sliding my phone out of my pocket to let her know I was here. Before I could even send the message I heard the door open and there stood my future. The moonlight shining down on her making her look angelic, her eyes stared at me no through me like she could recite back to me everyone of my secrets and it kind of frightened me.

It was truly a intense feeling!

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