Part 33

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Tee calls Farm but he didn't answer his call, he started to worried because Kit told him Farm didn't come to work today. Tee is still staying with Tae because he still need to take care of Tae.

Tae looks at Tee who can't sit still today, he walks to Tee and hugs Tee from behind.

"What's wrong Tee, you look worried" ask Tae, he puts his head on Tee's shoulder. He likes be close to Tee like this, like they are glued together.

"Farm didn't answer my call, he didn't even go to work" replies Tee, he wants to know what actually happened to his best friends but he doesn't want to force anyone to tell him anything.

They can't hear anything that night but they know they are hiding something from everyone.

"You can go and see him, maybe he is at home" suggest Tae, he doesn't want to Tee become restless like this.

"What if he doesn't want to be disturbed?" Ask Tee and turns to face Tae. He buries his face on Tae's broad chest.

Tas smiles happily with the cute action, he is still new to see this side of Tee and they are still in the stage to know eachother more. They just officially dating for a  few days.

"Should I ask Tan what happened between them?" Tae wants to help if he can, he also wants to know what happened between Tan and Farm but he can't see Tan at all. Tan rarely comes home to his house too.

"If you can do that, I,,," Tee stops when Tae's phone is ringing. Tee takes the phone and give it to Tae, it's the call from his mother.

Tae put on the loudspeaker and they are listening together. Ying wants both of them to come to the main house right now because they have important things to discuss.

"Okay mae, we are coming" Tae hungs up the phone. His mother sounds nervous and it's not a good news for them.

"Let's get ready"


They both enter the room together and Tee helps Tae changing the shirt, the blush always there when Tee do this, no matter how many times they did it, he is always can't get used to see Tae's naked body.

"You look so cute blushing like this" Tae pinched Tee's red cheek because Tee looks adorable right now, he wants to bite the cheeks so bad.

"I'm not cute!" Tee tries to hide his shyness by hitting Tae's chest lightly. Tae laughs and kiss Tee's cheek repeatedly.

"Should we stay at home and let me kiss this cheeks?" Ask Tae, he sounds like he is joking but his face shows how he hope Tee agree with him.

"Don't be ridiculous phi, did you forgot how nervous mae sounds just now?"

"Yeah, I forgot" answers Tae honestly, Tee laughs and get away from Tae, he needs to get ready too.

"Should I help you with the shirt?" Ask Tae teasing again.

"I'm not hurt so I can handle myself very well. Thank you" Tee harshly reject the idea and Tae laughs heartily at that, he can tease Tee is enough for him

They drive to the main house, they enter the house to see his parent are sitting at the living room, they both look troubled.

Tee greets both of them and go to sit at Ying's side. Ying leans to Tee and hugs Tee's arm, she looks tired and sad.

"What's wrong por?" Ask Tae when he already sitting in front of their parent.

"Tan is giving us headache again" replies Han, he really wants to release his anger but can't do it.

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