Part 19

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When Tee returns he went directly to Tan's side, Tan already changed into his pajamas with Farm abd Kit's help. They exchanged look between them because they are curious why Tee left just like that.

"Thank you for helping Tan" Tae thanks them for helping Tan with a wide smile on his face.

Farm and Kit look at Tae suspiciously, nothing to be happy about when your brother just found out he was cheated on by his own girlfriend.

"He is really hurt phi, even I can't believe his girlfriend cheated on him" said Farm sympathy with Tan.

They never see or meet Lily even though Tan try to set up time to introduce his girlfriend, Lily never had time to see them. They always heard about Lily from Tan, they just saw her in the photos Tan show them before. Tan really love her.

"I'm shocked to be honest because I did investigate about this but it brings nothing, she can hide the truth very well" said Tae. He walks to Tan's side and ruffles his brother's hair, he did pity his brother's fate.

"It's already late, we should go home" said Kit after that. It will be harder to get a taxi to go home at this time.

"Please stay over, it's already late" Tae invites them to stay overnight since he has an occupy room for them to stay, a person can stay with Tan.

"Thank..." Farm and Kit almost agree with the suggestion when Tee stops them.

"It's okay khun! We've already book a taxi and it's on the way. We won't be disturbing you anymore, excuse us" Tee wai fast and pull his friends hand to get out from here

Tae is speechless when Tee run away again, even Farm and Kit don't have time to respond. Three of them leave the house to wait for the taxi, Tee secretly ordered a taxi in the app, even though it's expensive he is willing to pay for it than staying in that house!

When the taxi arrived three of them get into the taxi and go home. Tee knows he will need to explain his actions to his best friend and he also knows they won't let him sleep if he try to avoid it.

"I remember this house a little bit and a few images come back, I talked to Khun Tae and it's,,,him" Tee shuts his mouth and stares at the clean floor of their house.

Kit and Farm are shocked again with the news, they thought it was Tan since Tee told them he already talked to Tan and make a closure about it.

"But, Tan..."

"I was mistaken too, I thought it was Tan's house and he also has a quite same story with mine. When he told me he want to forget that night, I assumed he didn't remember it and put a closure to the incident." Explains Tee still staring at the floor.

"So, just now you talked to Phi Tae about this matter?"

"Yes. I'm shocked too, we talked and he told me nothing more than kissing happened that night. It was a drunk move" Tee sighs and sits on the sofa, he wants to turn back time and change it so bad, he will not drink alcohol that night.

"So, Phi Tae remember everything happened that night?" Ask Farm.

"Kind of. He said when we met after that night I can't seem to remember him so he decided to let it be" adds Tee more.

"Oh my god!!! Tee, this is epic!!!" Yells Kit excitedly, what is wrong with him?

"This is a good plot for a novel! Tee, you almost sleep with your own boss" Kit sounds really excited making Tee wants to smack Kit's head, he should pity Tee, not become happy and excited like this.

"This is not a happy story Kit!" Scold Tee and look at Farm for a backup.

"It's good! If you compare between the jerk and the boss, the boss is way hotter!!!" Farm joins the excitement making Tee wants to palm face himself. What is wrong with his friends???

"This is a good story!" Farm and Kit together makes Tee have a bad headache. He decided to go to bed since he can't stop his friends with their baseless excitement.


Tee returns to his work after a long weekend, a lot happened and his best friends can't stop teasing him about the truth, they keep matching him with the boss. The reality won't be that beautiful but the refused to accept it.

Tan is not okay yet and he tried ti busy himself with work, his friends try to be with him all the time. It's funny when Lily so suddenly has time to see Tan, she was so busy before that she can't even come to Tan's show, she even didn't has time to reply the texts and answers the call. Now she tried to see Tan all the times

Tee still running away from Tae because he thinks it will be really awkward to meet your boss after attacking your own boss because he was drunk.

"Tee!" Calls Tae and try to match Tee's fast steps trying to get away again. Tae is furious because Tee avoids him like a plague.

"Khun, I'm really busy right now. If you want help with maintenance team you can see our supervisor" Tee wai and walks faster this time but he forgot that Tae's strides is always bigger and wider than his.

"I want to talk to you" Tae ables to grab Tee's wrist abd pull a stop to Tee's steps. Tee stops walking and look around afraid someone will see them like this. He tries to shake off Tae's hand from his wrist.

"I won't let you go if you won't talk to me" threatens Tae with a serious look.

Tee frowns hard, they have nothing to talk about.

"We have nothing to talk about khun" Tee is still trying to release his wrist. It already turns a little red since he has a pale skin colour, Tae didn't hold him hard but tight enough making he can't get away.

"Stop trying to release your hand, it's already red" Tae looks at Tee's skin changing colour and he feels bad about it.

"Then let me go"

"No. I won't let you go, not until you promise me that you will stop running away from me"

"Huh? Khun, we are boss and worker, I work for you, I can't run away from you"

"But you are running away, you always avoid me" Tae looks at Tee's eyes making Tee can't resist to just accept what Tae wanted.

"Khun, I'm a maintainer, if you want any help with work I will do it. If you don't need any help then there is no point to talk to you" Tee wants to leave so bad, this is the hall way, anyone can be here and it will be hard to explain what is happening when your boss is holding your hand like this.

"So, you will act like you don't know me?" Tae is hurt when Tee said he wants only work relationship, he thought they are at least not a stranger, not just a boss and a worker.

"You are my boss, of course I know and respect you" Tee sighs again.

"But you know what we did beyond that, we almost sle..." Tee covers Tae's mouth fast, he is looking around frantically to see if anyone heard them.

Tae try to cover a laugh, Tee looks really cute when he is scared.

"Didn't we already decided to forget it?" Ask Tee whispering close to Tae's face, his hand still covering Tae's mouth.

Tae sounds like humming when he try to talk and Tee pulls his hand away.

"How can I forget, the place you bit me, even though it doesn't leave mark, it still tingles" Said Tae with a smirk.

Tee's face is turning red again, this time he try harder to release himself and he able to do it because Tae already loosen the grip.

"Annoying!" Scold Tee and walks away huffing angrily.

Tae can't help but chuckles with how cute Tee is right now.

This time Tae let Tee go, he enjoys teasing Tee and he thinks it's enough to teach Tee to stop running away from him. He has hundreds plan to make Tee's life miserable if Tee try to avoid him again.

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