Chapter 47: Princesses

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(Charlie's POV)

  "Never question my love for you, especially after that." Dramatically, I place my bags down and accept a Nicholas Nelson-style hug. To say I'm exhausted is an understatement. In order to catch the bus from London to Edinburgh, Scotland I left the house at one in the morning.

That's criminal.

On top of that, after roughly eight hours on public transportation, surrounded by crying toddlers and snoring elders, I had to walk to my Uber with jello legs and ten-pound bags in each hand; and then I had to make my way up to Nick's room.

Even the mini break from taking the elevator up to the fifth floor was miserable.

I wanted to collapse.

Hell, I still do.

All of that brings me to this moment. I'm finally in Nick's arms after a week or so of counting down the days until today. Regardless of how torturous the beginning of my morning has been, I can't help but laugh into Nick's hoodie, "Christ, I'd do that ten times over to be with you."

Smiling at my words, Nick pulls back and then grabs ahold of my luggage. "Admit it, we're both disgustingly sappy."

Looking back on what he had said when he opened the door to me just standing there, half asleep, I can't help but nod.

"I might cry, Char." He admitted, "God. Until I met you I hadn't realized how much it's possible to miss someone."

Obviously, I teased him right after.

"Eugh, you're disgustingly sweet. I hate and love that so much. Hold me?"

"Okay, yes, fine. We're both repulsive. Where's the bedroom?"

Naturally, as Nick leads me to what's now our bedroom in our bedroom, he can't help but be a dick. "I know that you missed me a lot." He energetically begins, eyes twinkling, somehow causing me to feel a bit more awake. "But wow, I didn't expect you to want to take me to bed so soon, Charles. At least have breakfast with me."

"Ugh, if I have breakfast right now I may throw up." I look up at him, a serious look on my face. He returns that same serious look. "Nick, in approximately ten seconds I'm going to pass out. Can we eat after I gather enough energy to stand up?"

Suddenly, he runs away and places my bags down, and then comes back. "How rude of me!" Next thing I know he's throwing me over his shoulder, and I'm kicking and screaming like a child. "No walking for you, mon amour."

  Amidst my protests, Nick claims that he's practicing to carry me down the aisle "groom style."

Terrified of being dropped, despite knowing that he would never, I'm not enjoying this. Clearly, he is though. "Oh Char, you could've told me that you want to be my princess." He teases, his voice velvety and infuriating. "I can always carry you bride style."

As if that's more than enough, he decides that it's not. Nick continues.

"You are my passenger princess after all."

I cringe at him trying to use a term that he discovered while scrolling on the internet.

"Think about it, you must be warm at all times."

"You also throw a fit whenever you don't have your morning coffee."

After what feels like a millennium, my fiancé sets me down on our bed. "Your majesty." Nick bows, grinning mischievously before kissing my hand. Christ. Nick is chuffed with himself, I can tell.

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