Chapter 23: Organized Chaos?

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Author's note: ^^ I chose this photo cuz Char looks so cute! I love how Alice drew him in this scene.

Also, I have a VERY SPECIAL Christmas-themed chapter in mind that I'm obligated to write 🤭🤭

(Psst, would you guys be interested in a New Years' Eve/New Years' Day chapter?)

(Psst, would you guys be interested in a New Years' Eve/New Years' Day chapter?)

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(Nick's POV)

"I'm covered in the colours of you, ooh
Every single hue, ooh
Of purple and blue, ooh
Covered in the colours of you, ooh"

Driving into London, my eyes are on the unfolding beauty in front of me. A hand of mine is resting on Charlie's thigh. I'm feeling extremely lucky. Although my eyes aren't on him, I can picture how cute he looks right now. There's certainly a tranquil look on his face, there always is when he's asleep. And his expression, without fail there's a smile unconsciously tugging at his pink lips. He claims that he grins in his sleep because he's dreaming of me, of us. Lastly, as expected, his head of hair is acting as his own, personal pillow. It always does.

Not many people get to be in a serious relationship with their soulmate, and not everyone gets to lead such a great life in general. The love of my life is peacefully sleeping beside me in the passenger's seat of our car as I drive us into a sort of heaven. The love of my life is resting beside me. Never in a million years would have 'rugby lad' me, ever thought about, or even guessed that my life would take a turn like this. Before meeting Char, I never would've imagined that my life would funnel into this- this paradise.

"You've changed my life into something I no longer recognize
And stained my eyes, now they paint in bolder colour when they cry
I used to see the world in black and white
Now I, I"

And god, I'm so glad that it did.

"I'm covered in the colours of you, ooh
Every single hue, ooh
Of purple and blue, ooh
Covered in the colours of you, ooh"

Waking up from his slumber, Charlie groans, his neck relentlessly aching because it was craned as he slept. Persistent honking blares in the distance. Looks like the hustle and bustle of the city is trying to help and fully wake him up. "Good morning, sleepy head." I jokingly say, my eyes still set on the road, my mind set on how perfect he looks after waking up. Still getting in touch with reality, after having been out for a while, Charlie softly goes, "oh, shut it." Unfortunately for him, he can't silence me. I'm a free spirit who just has to go on and on, especially when it comes to him- and my celebrity crushes..., especially David Tennant. Unable to control myself, I stifle back a laugh, "you love me, and you know it."

"I do." His hot breath unapologetically licks my neck, causing the hairs on my arms to stand. My eyes momentarily widen before I 'factory reset' myself. However, by then it's too late, instantly turned to my cheeks are already flushed a bright, and painfully obvious, shade of pink. Insane traffic causes us to stop moving, allowing me to look at him. His dimples are on display...



And I swear that I fall in love with him again for the hundredth time.


"After you." I hum, offering Charlie my hand. Of course, once we found a spot to park, I got out of the car, then opened the passenger's side door for Char. My boyfriend stifles back a laugh as he takes my hand, saying that I'm corny. I shrug, "only for you." His lips fold into a thin line, a sarcastic mix of 'I'm so tired of you' and 'okay, you can stop now' painted across his face. Naturally, I shut the door and then lock our car, ignoring his judgment. "Okay, where to?"

Not needing to be told twice, Char instinctually grabs my hand, then drags me down the walkway. Everywhere there's a shop, (and loads of pigeon crap.) Some are small businesses, whilst others are name brands like 'Nike'. Of course, we enter almost every smaller, family-owned and operated store. What? They're so charming! Plus, I'd rather support a local family than some rich dude in...I don't know, California? Besides, when buying from a small business you end up purchasing unique items, so in actuality, it's a win-win! For example, Char and I splurged and bought a hand-knitted dog sweater for Lily...or two- or three- and possibly a beanie. Okay, in our defense the beanie has holes for her ears to go through. Isn't that irresistibly adorable? It's all so freaking cute!

When we get home we're absolutely having her model for us.

Eventually, we both get tired of running from store to store, so we resort to slowly walking. Bags in hand, (my hand), we proceed to aimlessly cruise around. I sort of refused to let him carry anything. Though, of course, one hand is free for him to hold. And he does. Once all of the bags are on one of my arms, Char grabs ahold of my free hand, even practically squeezing it. We momentarily stop in our tracks, just to gaze into each other's eyes. That causes us to burst out into a fit of laughter, again. "Why are we like this?" Charlie asks me, his dimples being showcased. That's an easy question to answer. "Because we're Nick and Charlie, this is just how we are."

Boop. "Nick?" Charlie stands there, flabbergasted, "did you just boop my nose?" I proudly nod, our hands still intertwined.

A few beats later my mouth flirtatiously opens. "Do you reckon that there's a nice spot to share a steamy, gay kiss?"


"What? I have priorities." At this point, I don't care that people are walking around us. I'm truly unfiltered right now.

"How can someone so cheesy also be so incredibly horny?"

"Only for you."

"Okay, bye, I'm exploring some more without you."

I gasp, sort of smirking. "You're going to explore without me?"

Taken aback by my words, Charlie gasps, "Nicholas Nelson!"

"Hey, I implied nothing. You're the one with a dirty mind, Charles."

"You're insufferable."

"Aww, I love you too!"

Homophobes could be spitting on, or screaming at me right now, but I'd still stand here and be myself with him. I'd still joke and smile and laugh with him. I'd still hold his hand and hug him and kiss him. I'd still make my love for him known, both verbally and physically. I'd still stand by him, with him, proudly showcasing that we're indeed a couple.

Fuck society!

...I'd also possibly 'accidentally' hit them with a bag or two in my hand.


Let's be honest. Charlie would probably like that, (despite his morals screaming at him not to),
since he was apparently disappointed that he didn't see me fighting Harry Greene that one night at the cinema after he went home. Something about my arms makes him feral. I genuinely don't know why, they're just arms.

Woah, my brain is not in London right now. Okay, back to spending money and teasing Charlie. Ah, that second part is my favorite pastime nowadays.

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