Chapter 12: Wildflowers

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Sitting on Nick and I's bed surrounded by neatly folded piles of clothing I peered down at Lily, seeking guidance, "What the hell am I going to wear Lily?" Dates always prove to be stressful. I just want to look perfect! An example of this is the fact that I spent my first hour of being awake shaving, ensuring that I got every single hair. I love Nick's stubble, but we've noticed that when we're both covered in facial hair, intense make-outs prove to be sort of unpleasant, so I stay baby-faced.

Lily barked then grabbed her beef-shaped toy from across the room, proceeding to toss it around like a crocodile performing its iconic death roll. I groaned in response to her silence, then laid down on our bed, causing some of the higher stacks of clothing to collapse and fall onto me.    

  "She may not be able to help you with your indecisiveness, but she's a great foot warmer at night when you and I are laying in bed." I slightly lift my head, making out a tall figure leaning against the doorway. When my vision finally narrows in on the person I realize that it's Nick, in a tuxedo. WAIT! That's Nick in a tux!

  "Holy shit!" I instantaneously sit up, making myself a bit dizzy, "wow, hi." My boyfriend chuckles, it's low, attractive. He's looking all..all like- model-like, and here I am, shirtless and covered in what was once neatly folded clothing. "Do I look that stupid? Fuck- I look like a butler, don't I?" Nick crosses his arms, feeling insecure as he studies my facial expression and body language. I slide myself off of our bed as I firmly shake my head in disagreement, approaching him.

  "You look far from stupid." Is all I manage to utter in response as I boggle at someone who's still unfortunately just my boyfriend, "you look like you're husband material." Once again Nick lets out a sexy chuckle whilst wrapping his arms around my torso, "I'd hope that I look like I'm husband material because I really want to marry you Charlie Spring." Jokingly, I raise a brow, "holy shit! You do?! Woah, I had no idea." He playfully rolls his eyes at me in response as Lily stands beside us, nonchalantly scratching her side.

Nick lets go of me, pretending to be annoyed when he's actually rather amused, "Okay, okay, go get dressed because you're shirtless right now, and our curtain is not draped over the window." I chuckle before playfully threatening to 'flaunt my stuff' for our neighbors, earning an unexpected grin from Nick, "what?" One of his hands travels up my side, only stopping at my cheek. I lean my head against the palm of his hand, widely peering at him, waiting for an answer.

  "When we were attending Truham you wouldn't really say stuff like that at all," Nick shrugs before continuing with his words, "confidence looks good on you, that's all." His words immediately make me feel warm, even slightly proud of myself and my progress. Though, of course, I have to hit him with one last joke, being serious isn't always my forte. "Are you just being extra sappy so that you can segway into asking me if we can bring Lily along on our date, Mr. Nelson?"

My golden retriever of a partner sarcastically gasps, "you can read my mind!" I smile, knowing that 'reading someone's mind' is easy when you know them well. He rubs his neck then grabs ahold of Lily's stuffed steak, throwing it for her as he defends himself, "you're both right and wrong. I do want to take her with us, but I'm being serious, I'm glad that you're having way more good days than bad days when it comes to liking your body." Pretending to be grossed out by his sappiness I smear my dominant hand across his mouth, "hush."


From my perspective on the red, plaid blanket I can see flowy, golden fur peeking above the blades of luscious green grass. Before I can prepare myself for muddy paws Lily pounces, landing on my lap. Out of instinct, I lay down, allowing her easy access to my face. Without wasting time she begins to coat my face in a thin layer of saliva as her tail uncontrollably wags. Both Nick and I swear that one day she's going to swish it back and forth so fast that it'll just snap off.

Nick flops down beside me, taunting her with the sight of a tennis ball in his hand. Due to excitement, she begins to tap dance on my chest, yapping, earning yet another disapproving look from my boyfriend. "Oi, Lily! Get your paws off of my man!" Within a split second, Nick lets go of the ball, throwing it far out in front of us, causing me to giggle.

I frostily roll my eyes in a joking manner, then cross my arms, feeling my eyes get heavy because of the sun beating down on my face, "you're so possessive." Nick changes the conversation, leaning over to open the picnic basket, "what do you want to eat, love?" For a moment, I pause, expecting my stomach to drop; but it doesn't. My mouth curls into a dorky smile as I gaze into my lover's already twinkling eyes, "whatever you're having."


  "Fuck, my eyes are so itchy." I lie, rubbing my eyes as they tear up, but not because of allergies, but because Nick is adorable. He's perfect, fucking perfect. "I think that we need to leave the park and go get milkshakes or something, because the squirrels are really getting to me, Nick."

My lover delicately takes my dominant hand into his, studying me as he does so, his eyes twinkling. Being grasped in my free hand is a bouquet of wildflowers, the assortment is an organized chaos of pastel blues, vibrant yellows, soft purples, and white. After cheesily being hand-fed a slice of cake by Nick, he suddenly jolted up and took off, chasing after Lily as she had chosen to play tag with a goose. When he didn't return with our dog-daughter within a few minutes I got worried, so my anxiety persuaded me to stand up and freeze in place.

My mind was running at a million miles a minute, so there was no way that I'd be able to walk around and stay vigilant. However, out of nowhere, Nick came running up to me with our dog's leash in one hand, (she was jogging beside him), with his other arm behind his back. In the instant that he got to stand directly in front of me, Nick romantically whipped his other arm in front of him, revealing his thoughtful gift for me, the flower arrangement. Caught by surprise due to his sheer loveliness I don't remember grabbing for the flowers- and I don't remember tearing up, but here we are.

  "I'm up for milkshakes after this, but I don't think that you're allergic to squirrels. Any reason as to why you're getting all emotional on me?" Nicholas questions me, the shape of hearts practically sitting in his whiskey-colored eyes. Instead of using my words to respond, I use my mouth differently, I kiss him. "You have no idea how badly I want to marry you right now. I love you so fucking much." Both younger me and current me said those words because past me could never believe that I'd get to be loved love this, to have a love like this.

  "I also 'love you so fucking much', but I adore bubblegum milkshakes as well, and you mentioning shakes is making me crave one. Can we please go now?" Nick pouts at me, pulling at my sleeve like a child.  Feeling bold, I respond, but with a not-so-innocent twist, "Bubblegum milkshakes are a crime, but since they make you happy, then I'm willing to be your accomplice by going to get you one. But just to be clear, I'm going to be all over your mouth when you take that final sip. Bubblegum may not be the best flavor, but it really enhances the sweetness of your lips."

From there I feel my future husband hone in on me and then press his lips against mine, biting my top lip on purpose, causing me to both wince and lowly groan out of pleasure. I swear, if we were a heterosexual couple that didn't use protection then we'd have ten kids by now.

Author's note: Sorry about disappearing on you guys, but I'm back! Life has just been really crazy 😅 Who's excited for season two of Heartstopper? Ahhhhh 🫶🫶

Author's note: Sorry about disappearing on you guys, but I'm back! Life has just been really crazy 😅 Who's excited for season two of Heartstopper? Ahhhhh 🫶🫶

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