Chapter 26: Experimenting

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Chapter 27 on December 27th, wtfff

August 9th, 2023, edit: ^^ Again, not anymore 🧍‍♀️

Content warning: Smut, mutual masturbation, and frottage

Content warning: Smut, mutual masturbation, and frottage

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  (Nick's POV)

   "Okay, that's everything," I whisper to myself, setting down everything that we brought back home from the Christmas party. All of the bags consist of gifts that we received...and leftovers. Judging by how I don't think a lot of it will fit in our fridge, I'm sure that we won't have to cook for a while. I'm not complaining though, despite absolutely adoring cooking for Char, and his own cooking, I've been missing eating a home-cooked meal made by my mum. That sort of nostalgia can't be beaten. With each bite I'm transported to a memory from my childhood, a fond one, consisting of my mum and me that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Coming up from behind me, Charlie wraps his arms around my torso. He's tired, I know he is. After the proposal, we all headed inside to casually eat dessert, and then we played a multitude of games. When Tao and Char are playing against each other, things automatically get very competitive, so he definitely wore himself out.

Looking down at his hands, my face warms at the sight of the ring on his finger, "wanna take a nap?" Truthfully, I'm always down to nap with Char, but after being stuffed to the brim with food, and going through a million overwhelming feelings in the span of a few minutes, I'm especially up to recharge right now. Charlie nods against my back, so I turn around to face him, "Okay, go upstairs, I'll meet you up there. I just need to take Lily outside real quick so that she doesn't wake us up, okay?" Like a zombie, my fiancé once again nods and then starts to head up the stairs. Not wanting to waste precious time, I run over to the back door and open it.

"Lily, come here girl! Do you need to go potty?" Not needing to be asked twice, our four-legged family member scurries over to me, and then out the door. She cutely takes turns lifting each of her paws as she frolics through the snow. That makes me kinda tempted to buy her snow boots on Amazon.

A cold breeze enters our house, causing me to shiver. "Hurry up!" I plead with her, not wanting the house to get cold thanks to the door being open for a prolonged amount of time. Luckily, she quickly does what she needs to, and then runs back inside. However, she drags some snow inside with her. I shut then lock the door and then grab a towel and scoop up Lily, proceeding to wipe her paws. She licks me all over once I'm done cleaning her up. From there, I place her back down, pet her, and then dry the floor that she got snow on.

Having gotten all of that out of the way, I head up the stairs, beginning to take off my attire. The jacket comes off first, and it drapes over my right arm as I carry it. Next, I struggle to undo the tie with one hand, my other one gliding up the railing as I walk. "Hi, baby." I breathe, standing in the doorway, watching as Charlie struggles to get off his clothing since he's tired. He groans, getting annoyed with all of the buttons on his white collared shirt. 

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