Chapter 7: All Was Well, Until It Wasn't

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(Charlie's POV)

  "Would you two please pause your staring contest and save it for another time?" I was tugging at Nick's arm like a child, growing tired of him and Tao's odd dominance-based games. Elle nods in agreement, "yeah, Char and I would like to get home to our fur babies." Looks like I've failed to mention that Tao and Elle adopted a raggedy orange kitten a few months ago, sorry. Well, her name is Chaos, because as we all know orange cats tend to be nuts, and she is no exception. Chaos is named 'chaos' for a reason, after all, she knows nothing about being calm and collected. An example of that is how much she adores tugging at the toilet paper in the bathroom until there's nothing left on the roll.

I for one feel like Chaos is my brother Oliver but in cat form. Well- at least when he was a toddler.

  "Charlie is lucky because he gets to return home to an angel of a child whilst I open the door to a crazed animal. She's only ever remotely relaxed when Elle is cuddling with her, but with me? Hah, that's far from the truth. She'd rather choke on a hairball than let me pet her spoiled self." Tao spits out in a growl, still firmly locking eyes with my husband who is more concentrated than I've ever seen him in his life.

I hear a loud exhale coming from the right of me, Darcy. "Listen boys..." she loudly clasps her hands together as if she's a lawyer or something before proceeding, "this is becoming painfully stereotypical and I'd hate to see friends of mine be painted in the same light as an American football player. So, can you two please put your eyes away before they pop out of your heads so we can all say our goodbyes?"

Everyone except for the two boys who are still engaging in a battle of some sort giggle at Darcy's words. Usually, Nick wouldn't give into Tao's antics since they're for the most part all immature, but today is different, today he couldn't resist. The reason being my best friend challenged him, and as much as Nicholas Nelson is competitive, he's also not a quitter.   

Following Darcy's words, Elle and I exchange looks, forming a non-verbal plan by just pulling some faces. "Charlie, you're now officially the designated person whom I cuddle with. Come on everyone, let's go to Tara's house and leave these two to do whatever it is they're doing." Hearing his lover's words Tao's attention snaps towards her, causing his eyes to shift away from Nick's. Just as expected he blinks due to utter shock, my boyfriend doing the same.

  "No, he's mine," Nick mumbles, crossing his arms. I outright blush at his words. Christ, I'm so smitten.

"Right, we'll be heading home now. Goodbye, everyone!" I announce as I go to hug Isaac. Whenever we part ways I always hug my friends goodbye. Okay- that was a lie, I only started doing that after secondary school, when I had to 'adult' and see my best friends less often.

The last person that I hug is Tao, and it nearly makes me crumble. Turns out I've been needing a hug from my very best friend. When we pull apart I see a sympathetic look on Nick's face which is paired with a soft smile. He knows what I was just thinking, I can tell that he does.


(Nick's POV)

   "I ate breakfast like everyone else, no scraps left over, no excuses." Charlie unexpectedly yet casually blurts out. My gaze automatically shoots towards his direction, the grip that I have on the wheel loosening a tad. Relief had washed over me. I was so afraid that he wouldn't try to eat anything, that the overwhelming anxiety would win and he'd supply his friends with a believable excuse.

As expected Char's knees are up against his chest, his arms of course wrapped around his legs. That's always been a rather comforting position for him to sit in...(at least that's what I've noticed over the years upon years of staring at him in awe.)

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