Chapter 19

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(I Know Places By Taylor Swift)

Corpse's Pov

She's gorgeous

I'm on the way

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I'm on the way

So early?
Is everything okay?
The mood of the day is throwing me off

I picked my brother up and
brought him back to my apartment,
he's sleeping again therefore
we are going out

Are we now?

Yes we are
Get ready
I'll be there in 10

Drive safe

I always do 😘
Text you when I'm there

I rushed around the hotel room while Karl and Cora slept peacefully. I rummaged through my bag, pulling clothes out before going to the bathroom and changing. I turned on the sink, brushed my teeth, then ran my hands under the water and combed my hair back with my fingers.

Why am I so panicked?

I sprayed my cologne on, and grabbed my phone, my wallet, and looked over at Karl and Cora. Should I leave a note?

She's gorgeous

I'm hereeeeee
Same spot as yesterday

On my way down

I opened the hotel door quietly and slipped out before walking to the elevator. I rushed downstairs, and as soon as I got to the main door, I looked down at myself making sure I looked decent.

I walked over to her car, knocking on the passenger door. I didn't want to scare her by just getting in. The door unlocked, and I opened it, sitting in the seat. She grabbed the seatbelt, causing me to roll my eyes. I put it on and looked at her.

"Does that make you happy?" I asked before she nodded with a giant smile on her face.

"What are we doing?" I asked before she put the car in reverse and put her head on the back of my seat, turning around to reverse.

Holy shit.

I felt my heart start to beat like crazy as I stared at her. There is no way that she doesn't know what she's doing to me. There is no way she doesn't feel this connection either. There is no possible way that she doesn't have the same feelings that I do.

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